Name: Lauren Age: 33 Location: southern Australia Tumblr/Goodreads/IG/etc:
Describe yourself in five sentences or less: I bake, love travel, currently work in a Museum. Love to write and sleep in and cook. George is my favourite Beatle and Eleven is my Doctor. I don't trust anyone who, when left alone with a tea cosy, does not put it on their head.
Top 5 fandoms: Doctor Who, Vikings, The Walking Dead, original Star Wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings and the Beatles, that's six, whoops. I mostly post about... Day to day life. My last three LJ posts were about... An update on life in general, going to see Rogue One, and decorating Christmas biscuits with friends. How often do you post? How about commenting? I generally post a couple of times a week. I'm no lurker and do comment pretty often - but I don't comment for comment's sake.
A GIF to describe how your day has been today so far:
Based on your tea cosy shenanigans alone, I demand we be friends. Plus I want to read your thought son Rogue One - just saw it last night, and I don't know what I think yet, other than I am a bit unsettled. So bleak, many sads.
Name: Lauren
Age: 33
Location: southern Australia
Describe yourself in five sentences or less: I bake, love travel, currently work in a Museum. Love to write and sleep in and cook. George is my favourite Beatle and Eleven is my Doctor. I don't trust anyone who, when left alone with a tea cosy, does not put it on their head.
Top 5 fandoms: Doctor Who, Vikings, The Walking Dead, original Star Wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings and the Beatles, that's six, whoops.
I mostly post about... Day to day life.
My last three LJ posts were about... An update on life in general, going to see Rogue One, and decorating Christmas biscuits with friends.
How often do you post? How about commenting? I generally post a couple of times a week. I'm no lurker and do comment pretty often - but I don't comment for comment's sake.
A GIF to describe how your day has been today so far:
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I really liked Rogue One - best SW film since 1983. (I'm vehemently against the prequels, and I'm not fussed on the new trilogy either.)
Friended you, so you can take a nose on my journal. You don't have to friend me back unless you like what you see.
I have added you. XD
Here's my comment -->
We have a few friends and fandoms in common.
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