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author_by_night December 19 2016, 03:31:56 UTC
Name: Behind flock because I'm weird.
Age: 31.
Location: Maryland.
Tumblr/Goodreads/IG/etc: I'm authorbynight on tumblr, but I hardly ever update it. It might have actually been a whole year - at least.

Describe yourself in five sentences or less: I'm the sort of person who dances to the music in stores when no one's watching. However, I stop as soon as I realize someone is, but am trying to care less because I think the world would be a better place if we all danced freely. I'm artsy and quirky and occasionally snarky, and love LJ for allowing me to be those things.

Top 5 fandoms: I guess if I separate Harry Potter from the new Fantastic Beasts movies that's two, Buffyverse, Firefly and Parks and Recreation. I wouldn't say I post about them a lot, though.

I mostly post about... Social commentary, parodies/satire, meta/reviews/reaction posts, I have a blog-within-a-blog entitled "Shit My Browser Says." I post a bit of my everyday life as well, but not excessively.

My last three LJ posts were about... "Frivolous lawsuits" not ( ... )


libraspirit2101 December 19 2016, 17:19:34 UTC
Hi, I am interested in social commentary myself regardless of what position on any given issue; that said, I'm a moderate Independent (I even voted for an independent candidate in the recent election.)

Also, I'm a fan of the satire comic strip Rhymes with Orange.



ms_hecubus December 21 2016, 00:02:58 UTC
I'm interested. Friends?


hamsterwoman December 19 2016, 17:21:33 UTC
Hi! I've seen your name on mutual friends' posts rather a lot (looks like we have 20 mutual friends, which seems like a lot even for these days of a smaller, tighter-knit LJ).

I'm a fan of Harry Potter (and really enjoyed Fantastic Beasts) and Firfly, too, and am currently (re)watching Buffy with my kids (we're on season 3 right now).


author_by_night December 19 2016, 17:34:02 UTC
Sure! I was going to add you before actually. :)


hamsterwoman December 19 2016, 17:37:47 UTC
And, same :)


pingutime December 19 2016, 20:29:29 UTC
want to be pals! I can't post gifs in comments either ahaha I started rewatching parks and rec this weekend and can't believe I forgot that Andy and Anne were a thing!


pingutime December 19 2016, 20:29:57 UTC
oops that was meant to be 'want to be pals?' accidental assertiveness


pingutime December 19 2016, 20:36:27 UTC
0embryo December 20 2016, 20:41:43 UTC
"artsy, quirky & snarky" + HP/Firefly + social commentary = yay! Wanna be friends? :)


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