the penny diaries, part 2 (of many, I'm starting to realize)

Nov 22, 2009 20:20

Top 5 things my tough-looking dog is scared of:

1. Blow up seasonal lawn ornaments that sing
2. The vacuum
3. a four foot tall elephant statue at the Ronald McDonald house
4. Black plastic bags full of leaves
5. kittens
6. (bonus) baths

Top 2 things she is NOT scared of:

1. Moving vehicles
2. Adult cats

Top 5 things she is very fond of:

1. Horking down her food and water too fast, causing tummy upset...needless to say we stagger the food and water.
2. My singing, especially when I insert her name into songs ("My Rottie has a first name, it's P-E-N-N-Y..."
3. Car Rides
4. Going places where people will tell her how pretty and smart and brave she is (dog park, Pet Smart)
5. Snoring
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