So I spent most of this morning working on my new wig, a belated Christmas gift. I got the initial cut done, screwed up the bangs, but I think I can salvage it with pomade. Tomorrow, I shall attempt the dye job. I was going to dye it today, but I realized I had no newspaper to cover the floor with, so that idea got nixed. The wig is
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I have no idea if my plan will work, but we shall see. Wish me luck.
Now I'm breaking in my new saucepan and shamelessly downloading more episodes of KO One. I didn't know Wu Zun was in this. Super! I really miss Le Ke Si, though. They should bring him back. Now. The KO One at least distracts me from the toku. I'm too busy going, "You're kidding. Really? Really really? Who actually writes this crap? I'm also solidly becoming a Calvin fan watching this damn show... sorry, Jiro.
Probably try to get a little more writing done after dinner. Tomorrow I plan to get some exchanging of Christmas gifts done (my mom refuses to accept my current weight), and dye the wig. I can do this. *pumps fist*