I'm going to see Arashi 3 times this concert season!
*shimmy shimmy Sho dance*
Nagoya once and Fukuoka twice.
*Aiba hop Aiba hop*
Only a hundred and six days away
*Oh-chan dork dance*
And! It's almost Kokuritsu which means merch goods should be up soon!
*MatsuJun Yabai Yabai bop*
And! The Fukuoka concert is the last day of the tour meaning it should be all sorts of specialness.
*Nino flaily dance*
I'm a little excited. Excited enough that I wasn't even all that embarrassed when I hopped into the school nurse's van to go to lunch with some of the teachers today. As I got in, she said, "Oh! You like Arashi, don't you?" and turned on the van's dvd player right to Aiba's solo of the 5x10 concert. She apparently keeps it cued up there for her 11 year old daughter... *facepalm* It made for an amusing lunch.
In any case, I've been really lucky with regards to merch and fandom lately. Over my vacation with V1, not only did we win the tix to our top choice venues, but we also participated in 7-11's KRW raffle. I won this great belt embossed drinking glass. Exactly the item I wanted. Then we stopped at a BOOK-OFF where I found a ton of Kazuya Minekura art books all for 105 yen. I bought Backgammon 1 and 2 and Salty Dog 1. I would have purchased more but V1 beat me to it. Oh Minekura, how you taunt me. We're never getting to the west.
For full details of my trip to Shizuoka, check the RL blog. But suffice it to say it was a fantastic time and I hugged a Gundam. Wanna see my Gundam?
Click to view
Majestic, yes?