V-chan sleep now...

Mar 18, 2008 20:49

The good news: CSAP IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, the 3rd/5th grades aren't done, but I don't teach 3rd/5th grade. While my own schedule is still whacked out because we have no group teachers, it's still better than an hour and a half of pacing nervously a day. The books are gone. My fate is sealed. With luck, it will never ever matter to anyone again.

Oh and MG and I worked out another scene of S&V. We'll finish it one day, damn it.

And I was a good girl and spent 20 minutes on this horrible Nautilus contraption in the gym. You know, Nautilus are slow moving cephalopods (thanks Discovery Channel!) that really just bob and float around all day. They have nothing to do with this horrible machine. I'm going to try to keep using the damn thing because I've been feeling very unhealthy lately. Maybe 2/3 times a week depending on how quickly I flop after school.

Now, however, I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeallly tired. So tired I've just been curled up reading for an hour and a half, huddled in a blanket cuz my apartment's cold. I turned the heat up, but I'm sick of these gas bills, so I'm going to turn it back down again. I still have 2 days till spring break. And I still want more Go-onger. Like really badly... I don't think I've ever ficced a show 5 episodes in before. This is a baaaaaaaad trend.

I sleep now. G'night everybody.


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