May 07, 2006 03:22
This is a note from my CS professor, left on the newsgroup. I thought it was funny enough to be worthy of posting.
Don't talk about the final exam! There are still many conflicts
to be taken.
Wild dogs will follow you all your days and drool on the
leather seats of every fancy sports car you ever buy,
if you chat about the exam.
If you don't ever plan on buying a fancy sports car, then
those same wild dogs will *buy you* a fancy sports car,
and *then* drool on it. So you still can't escape.
-And if you are wondering what I am doing up this late: The funny thing is, I'm not actually up this late, I am awake this early! I fell asleep at 9, thinking I was going to take a nap and then watch a movie with Brendan around 11. However, Brendan never called me, and thus I woke up at 3am... and now I'm not tired, and I don't know what to do.