My. Brain. Hurts. but not because of Lost.

May 06, 2009 23:30

My icon is totally relevant because it represents my increased love for Dr. Chang who seems to match his pissiness with actual warmth, and through S5 appears to be the only member of the DI with half a brain and half a heart.

Also my head really hurts. I’ve had a headache for two days, and it’s like one I’ve never had. It’s not a migraine, just lots of pressure, almost like a bruise on one side of my head that sometime migrates to the middle and sometimes just tingles. If it's still there tomorrow, I'm going to stop by the university clinic on my way home because it just feels wrong.

So I stopped commenting on episodes for a while and it was a good break. I’m still not up to writing coherent reviews because I don’t have the energy to debate specifics or speculate on what comes next, so instead here are some reactions to tonight's episode of the completely random, non-thinky type. If you want speculation, go see gottalovev's new theory!

Ooooh, the enigmatic Richard shows his dark side and his chest hair. Nice. I could introduce him to more interesting hobbies than building ships in a bottle. I could get him to advise me. I could cause him a lot of trouble. I told you my thoughts would be non-thinky; sorry I didn’t warn you about my creepy innuendos.

Poor Sun. Apparently she’s not cool enough to go watch John watch John. (I would complain we had to watch the bullet removal scene twice, but we did get to see Richard in his glasses again.) Sun, I hope you brought your paddle, because it seems like you will have to whack John next for lying to you.

So the island still talks to John. Wouldn’t it be awesome if it sounded like Shannon?

How did Ben get me on his side? Because John decided to get all smarmy with his leadership style. He’s like the new boss who thinks it’s cool to jam, and not wear socks with his shoes. Sure he invited the gang to go see the man behind the curtain, but how about making things a democracy first before getting all self-congratulatory?

Kill Jacob, don’t kill Jacob; just get me some answers about the purpose of Others who just appear to be very outdoorsy people, and out of the loop in terms of the all the time travelling. Speaking of which, this middle version of Charles makes me LOL. The hair. The horse. The face. I don’t know why, but he just makes me giggle. Meanwhile I'm still very blah about Eloise who seems most shaken by seeing her handwriting, like that's the most shocking thing to happen to her ever.

Yes, Hurley deserves a broader storyline than comic relief, but his time travelling test with Dr. Chang got a huge laugh from me. Jin deserves more than one line, if he even got that tonight. I got a little teary when Miles realized what his dad had done for him.

I had totally forgotten about Sayid and clapped so hard when he appeared. This caused Mr. E.S. to remark, “Oh good, it’s a clapping episode and not a hitting one.” He claims I hit him when bad things happen. I have no idea what he's talking about it. It's just a coincidence his arm was bruised after Daniel was shot last week...

There's a real submarine? I just thought they drugged people with their orange juice to make them think so, and then transported them back and forth in some magical way like unicorns.

Oh the quandrangle drama is heating up, just when I began to feel for Juliet and Sawyer.

I get why Kate, Sawyer, and Juliet would not want Jack to mess with a bomb (an H-bomb, at that!), and because they don't want to erase the last 3 years. Their lives are better now. On the other hand I like that for Jack, he is willing to sacrifice any happiness he's had because he’s back to doing what he does best, saving everyone. Of course, whatever happens, it will all go to hell because we're not getting a happy ending now. Meanwhile I love how Sayid is so Zen-like about everyone’s utter annihilation because it’s win/win for him.

There were many fan girl shout outs in this episode. I predict zelda_zee melting when a dripping wet Sayid emerges from the pool, and ties back his hair. I also predict janie_tangerine throwing something at her screen when the beech craft appears, again. Don’t worry Janie, at least Jack wants to save Boone!

lost episodes

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