No more steamrolling Harry Potter.

Mar 05, 2009 00:32

I’m going to keep this brief. I always plan to, yet I always seem to ramble on, but it is passed midnight and surprisingly I don’t have all that much to say about this episode beyond, woah. What happens now?

I’m a sucker for all this island history. For once time travel is being useful in filling in some of my blanks. It’s cool to know the statue is near the Orchid site. That has to be meaningful. I definitely want to know more about Dharma and Hostiles and all that.

I’m one of the few people who don’t mind heroic!Sawyer, especially when he’s paired with conman Jim LaFleur. I liked his quick lie about the Black Rock and how 3 years later he scares the Namaste out of horny Dharma underlings. Plus glasses!!! I’m less fond of Romeo!Sawyer, but it made me happy to see him happy. Plus Hurley would be so proud that he has taken on the leadership mantle. So far I’m remaining indifferent to Juliet/Sawyer until I see more. Then again I'm indifferent to all aspects of the quadrangle.

I’m becoming seriously obsessed with Richard. Everytime he is on screen, he gives me chills. Plus he has his own blue shirt. I want to make a truce with him now. In the meantime, he better get a handle on his creepy hostile brothers because I don’t want our picnics spoiled.

In other news this episode destroyed my almost finished Sawyer & Richard fic in terms of canon. I guess I could re-write it to fit or have it be AU. We’ll see.

Blah, blah, blah, Horace/Amy/Paul love triangle parallels, show me young Ben! And what happened to Samantha Mathis? I thought she was married to Horace.

Broken Dan breaks my heart. Oh, and so does little Charlotte. Miles’ snark about Sawyer teaching Horace time travel is awesome. Jin asking Dan if there weren’t anymore flashes was a lovely moment. I also got a kick out of motor pool!Juliet and her big smile post-delivery. Keep smiling Juliet, I have a feeling your life is about to be messed up again.

I'm off to bed! I'll catch up with all your reviews tomorrow. Good night!

lost episodes

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