My head is spinning!
First things first. Old promises? Penny and Desmond better have given Ben the ass kicking of his life, because if that story turns out any differently, things will not be pretty. Not pretty at all. You’ve been warned.
Secondly, WTF? Bye bye Turniphead. Hello Grandpa! Shoes! Guitar Cases! Biblical allegories! Ulysses! Afterschool specials with Mrs. Hawkings! John’s Suicide Note! I feel half the episode was constructed to acknowledge how ridiculous everything sounded, while the other half was took itself very seriously. This was a necessary balance to sooth the head scratching, otherwise I would have followed Desmond out the door too, (well, I probably still would have done that but for other reasons). So I have decided to go with the flow with this premise of windows of time, a perpetually moving island and the recreation of Flight 815.
Thirdly, Frank! Awesome! “We’re not going to Guam, are we? Nope.” Poor Frank. I hope he fairs better than the original captain.
Fourthly, does Ben ever stop lying? Oh, I sure your mother taught you to read in the seconds after your birth before she died. Seriously. If he was Pinocchio, his body could be in LA and his nose would still be on the island.
Fifthly, even though I suspected it was coming, it is really hard to believe they are back! I sure hope there was no plane crash and only the special passengers ended up on the island, presumably including the chatty Arab man and Sayid’s bodyguard. (It was sweet for Hurley to buy up all the tickets he could, and a nice contrast to Ben's apathy.) I’m looking forward to seeing Hurley and Sayid’s side of the story, and oh, Dharma Jin!
Lastly, I really liked the scene between Jack and Locke in the meat locker. Often Lost is too busy for these small, quiet character moments. I thought Jack putting the shoes on Locke was a nice touch in terms of the awkward intimacy of their own relationship, and because he was doing what he never did for his father. To me this symbolized how much the story is about regret, forgiveness, and hopefully second chances.