My thoughts on Lost 5x5

Feb 12, 2009 09:56

I got home too late last night to jot down any post-episode thoughts. So I’m trying to squeeze in a review before work today.

This place is death… )

lost episodes

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Comments 47

todaysgoneby February 12 2009, 15:21:15 UTC
Not only has he once again professed genuine love for his wife, he echoes my confusion and disgust about John’s plan. I would not want my friends to come back to save me if it meant exposing them to danger.
Hmm. I guess I have never thought about it like that. Well, we don't know it will expose them to danger. I mean, they could arrive, the time jumping would stop, and then they could all be rescued. I guess I had not put myself in the shoes of those left behind as much as I thought I had. As an outside observer, I am still fuming at the O6 for not trying to save their friends. If I had been a member of the O6, as soon as I got back to civilization, I would have begun to search for a way to go back and rescue the ones that I left behind. There is absolutely no way that I would be able to live with myself knowing that people that I love are stuck on that island with horrible, horrible things happening to them while I was hanging out in my mansion drinking Mai Tais ( ... )


elliotsmelliot February 12 2009, 16:00:50 UTC
Just as the O6 should have gone after their friends, I think those left behind should not have wanted them to risk it. That's how friendship works. The island is death; neither side should want the others on it. I don't think anyone is naive enough to think an easy rescue is possible.

I didn't get that Mrs. Hawking had anything to do with the ring. I think Ben just lured Sun to that location even when he had the proof all alone. Where is Frodo when you need him to sort out missing rings? He could find Charlie's too!

Sawyer had some fine moments. Who would have thought he would become the heart of the island?


todaysgoneby February 12 2009, 16:06:24 UTC
Just as the O6 should have gone after their friends, I think those left behind should not have wanted them to risk it.
I don't know why that had never occurred to me before to look at it from that perspective. It's driving me nuts now! I have always been thinking about the fact that the O6 should have gone back and that the survivors would want to get off the island, but not about whether or not they would want to if that meant that their friends had to come back for them. I think I have just been so fixated on the O6 going back because that is what I would do.

Charlie's ring! I keep waiting for that to play a part and it never does. :(

It has been so fun to watch Sawyer transform throughout the course of the show. I really want him to get off the island and see if he is able to survive in the "real world" with his new heart intact.


katje0711 February 12 2009, 19:19:15 UTC
I've loved Sawyer's transformation, too!

So, why do you think Locke gave Hawking Jin's ring?


janie_tangerine February 12 2009, 15:32:41 UTC
Somewhere Boone is laughing about the sacrifice the island demanded role reversal here.

Erm. I should feel bad but I totally was too. Mostly because I had written it seven months ago *cough*. Now if Locke actually kills himself it means I had it all right but apart from that, it was what I needed after last week. Whatever, at least I got something right for once. And Christian usually bores the hell out of me too but when he said that line about Ben I could have kissed him. Seriously, the voice of truth speaking!

I love Jin. Plain and simple. Not only has he once again professed genuine love for his wife, he echoes my confusion and disgust about John’s plan. I would not want my friends to come back to save me if it meant exposing them to danger. Maybe they could stop the current time flippy floppy madness, but what happens next? It’s very possible everyone would just be stuck together to await the island’s crazy plans volume VIIX. I know for the sake of the ‘story’ people are going to come back to island, but I’m glad Jin spoke up ( ... )


elliotsmelliot February 12 2009, 16:09:00 UTC
You and lenina20 did well at predicting this S5 key moments. I will claim calling that a bewildered Jin would stumbled out of the jungle and into Sawyer’s arms. Yes, Jin and Sawyer should be in a permanent hug!

Jin's scenes with pregnant Rousseau were a nice touch in linking him to when he last saw his wife.

I guess Charlotte remembering Dan is the only hint of the old and new timelines meeting. I guess that does mean he failed.

Aye, cool, let's go in and see, I watched the last episodes more closely than you did'?

Well, if he said 'Aye', then I would have just about lost it! I guess he is not clued into the whole 'go back' plan yet, otherwise he would be running faster than Kate. I hope he doesn't get tricked into going back without even a good bye or explanation to Penny and baby.


katje0711 February 12 2009, 19:24:59 UTC
I fully expect Penny and Baby Charlie to go with Des!


elliotsmelliot February 13 2009, 03:39:10 UTC
I'm so torn about that because eek! it's an evil island that in my opinion like to hurt people. Part of me wants Penny and baby to stay far, far away. Though I also don't want them abandoned. Just thinking about all this makes me angsty.


gottalovev February 12 2009, 16:25:04 UTC
LOL! yes, I did notice that Ben seemed surprised that Mrs Hawkins was Dan's mom! I thought the weasel had complete files of everyone and their second cousin.

I found Charlotte's death scene moving too and it made me worry about the other's safety, as you put it. when she miraculously recovered last week it put the bleeding as "bah, messy but it's ok" but now? not so much :(

Ben is so devious, I am not even sure he trusts himself ;)


elliotsmelliot February 13 2009, 03:41:41 UTC
Ahhh, maybe Ben knew Hawkings was Frogurt's fourth cousin's roomate's nephew, and then stopped looking!

I was sucked into falling for Charlotte's recovery too.

Ben is so devious, I am not even sure he trusts himself ;)

It would be nice to see a tiny moment of self doubt cross his face.


jaydblu February 12 2009, 16:40:22 UTC
I loved last night's episode. Just so much good about it.
Christian's little speech (paraphrasing) "Trust Ben? No, no, no."
I was okay with Charlotte's death (at least they toned down her bitchiness a bit before she went). I appreciated the fact that they actually filled in the blanks a bit with her as well.
I just loved all the scenes with Danielle and her crew. They were short, but they packed a serious punch.
And Jin *hearts him*. His face may be sunburned, but he's having a great hair day. How confused must he have been before Sawyer and crew found him (yay!)? I agree, that scene with Sawyer holding the rope was awesome. And crazy.
Not enough Sayid, but I loved how he just blew out of there. And yeah, Des is looking really good. I did love his long hair, but this works for me too. Sorry, back to the scene. It was interesting that nobody was really that surprised to see him. No hugs, no hi-fives, not even a handshake between them.


katje0711 February 12 2009, 19:28:25 UTC
Des is looking hotter and hotter with each ep! I loved his long hair, but love his curls now! *dies* Maybe they thought Ben was trying to bring Des back, too, so seeing him didn't phase them?


jaydblu February 12 2009, 20:10:15 UTC
Maybe they thought Ben was trying to bring Des back, too, so seeing him didn't phase them?
I don't know, maybe...? I guess nothing really fazes them anymore. :)
Desmond is sexy, long hair or not. I'm not sure when I stopped thinking of him as the crazy foreign man and started thinking of him as the hot Scot, but it happened!


katje0711 February 12 2009, 20:14:06 UTC
Probably not! Ha!

OMG! That man is too sexy for his own good! *dies again* Are you a member of henryian_daily? If not, go join. Now!


alemyrddin February 12 2009, 16:53:04 UTC
Jin is awesome. Though Sawyer too, even if he'd obviously love to see his friends, doesn't want them to come back - as he, more or less, said last week to Locke.

I think somehow Smokey brainwashed them, sort of like it did with Locke (and, in fact, it tried to pull Locke underground back in s1, too).

I think we'll see Charlotte as a child, though I don't get how anyone could consider Dan scary. And yes, her death scene was moving, well written and acted, though all her revelations felt a bit like the evil-guy-confessing-his-sins-while-holding-the-good-guy-prisoner cliché, shortened as: people don't really monologue that much in real life.

Plus her death was a harbinger for everyone else’s safety. Somehow, I never really believed she was going to die so soon, and I still don't believe anyone else is going to die. What is wrong with me??

I'm glad that Sawyer has Jin, and a little hope now that he knows the O6 are alive, because he really seems very sad and worried, and when Locke vanished I thought Sawyer was going to lose it.

... )


elliotsmelliot February 13 2009, 03:56:30 UTC
I think somehow Smokey brainwashed them, sort of like it did with Locke (and, in fact, it tried to pull Locke underground back in s1, too).

This is a great theory. Maybe Eko was too strong to be brainwashed which is why it came back to kill him.

I doubt anyone else will die next. The nosebleeds story has served its purpose it triggering John's duty and sacrifice. Hopefully whatever he did with the donkey wheel, it stabilized the time jumps.

Yeah, I was over exaggerating Desmond's reaction to Jack and Sun. It wasn't anger, it was surprise. I think he just wanted a clean in and out visit, and now he is getting dragged deeper and deeper. As Widmore was far from forthcoming, I don't think Des knows about Ben's vendetta against Penny, but he should at least place him as the guy from the S4 premiere who was being dragged on a rope and was the source of the freighter trouble.


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