Thoughts on Lost 5.4

Feb 05, 2009 00:26

No more snow days, so I got home at 10:30 and just caught up. It's actually nice to watch without commercials! Anyway, I'm off to bed now. If I miss your reviews tonight, I’ll be back tomorrow to read them and comment. P.S. Thanks for all the support regarding my career meltdown yesterday.

It’s okay. He’s with me. )

lost episodes

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Comments 36

katje0711 February 5 2009, 06:09:18 UTC
I just thought Kate felt responsible for Aaron, because she had cared for him up to that point. Maybe she really cares about Claire and wants to make it up to her.

Love your theory about the boat people! In fact, I mentioned it in my post!


elliotsmelliot February 5 2009, 06:15:32 UTC
In my memory, Kate has always been quick to pass off Aaron to anyone else. It might have made sense if she said she was doing it for Claire, but she made it sound like she needed to cling to Aaron or she would fall apart. And she showed no qualms about taking on such a huge responsibility. Maybe she was still in shock.


katje0711 February 5 2009, 06:17:19 UTC
Who knows with her. She's always been one of my least favorite characters.

That's a sweet icon.


elliotsmelliot February 5 2009, 06:22:40 UTC
Yours is very sweet too! I loved that scene.


(The comment has been removed)

elliotsmelliot February 5 2009, 13:38:57 UTC
I have never really understood Kate, but I thought at least I knew that raising someone else's baby isn't something that she would have gladly volunteered for. Surely they could have given us something better.


elise_509 February 5 2009, 06:30:42 UTC
Jin! Washed ashore, for the second time. That man is buoyant.


I think I missed your career meltdown yesterday...I hope you're okay! *belated hugs of support*


elliotsmelliot February 5 2009, 13:39:31 UTC
Thanks! I've doing better. It was just a moment of weakness and one too many rejection letters.


falafel_musings February 5 2009, 07:39:56 UTC
So are we suppose to buy Kate wanted to keep Aaron because she couldn’t bear to lose anyone else?

WTF, really? I've been wondering what explanation they'd trot out for the Aaron stealing. I thought they'd paint Kate as a hero who was devoting herself to protecting Aaron from Widmore. But she's just...needy? And her loss is more important than Claire's familys loss? And everyone just assumes that Kate wasn't going to jail for murder?

Personally I found Baby Charlie equally fucked up. Can a Des fan help me out there? That's all kinds of wrong to me.

As for a Chuck reference, I wonder how many of Casey's tranquilizer's would it take to keep Sayid down.

Hehe! I want some of those darts for myself. I've had stomach problems, stress and insomnia all week. I just want to tranq myself. I hate not eating or sleeping!


elliotsmelliot February 5 2009, 13:51:54 UTC
I have a hard time buying the Kate and Aaron situation before this reveal. I assumed it happened because Jack forced it on her so his lie would fit ( ... )


falafel_musings February 5 2009, 17:39:55 UTC
Didn't any of the other O6 object to the Aaron napping? Surely it should have raised some moral debate. Not just Jack and Kate, but Hurley, Sun and Des agreed?

I wasn't really wanting to argue. I don't know the context of the baby name thing. My knee jerk reaction is just that this is another whitewash, a sign that Des has no hang ups. I can't even see baby Charlie as memorialising. Does the world know about Charlie's sacrifice? They are lying about island events.

it is doubtful BSG will provide the soothing equivalent to a tranquilizer this week.

*cries* I'm sure my favourite character is getting executed next week and I know from experience I won't take it well. I should just stop fangirling. I'm cursed.


elliotsmelliot February 6 2009, 00:32:52 UTC
We only see Jack and Kate discuss Aaron. I would have liked to have seen some objections from anyone, even an outsider like Frank.

I think S5 has proven that Des has hang ups and that he island is still haunting him. What is disappointing is that he only decides to do something regarding it when Faraday appears in a dream/memory to say Des is the only one who can save those left behind. Even without that mysterious message, shouldn't Des have felt some sort of duty to those left behind, like three years earlier? Oh right, there was the deus ex machina disappearing island that allowed them all to move on. Out of sight/out of mind. So no, things are far from perfect regarding Desmond's precious honour, but I thought the baby name was a nice touch, and if not a tribute, fairly harmless.

Gaeta is lucky to have such an invested fan. I’ll be thinking of you on Friday and sending positive vibes.


alemyrddin February 5 2009, 11:48:54 UTC
Kate suddenly having a maternal instinct was completely OOC for me - but then, I'm not the best judge of Kate's motivation ( ... )


elliotsmelliot February 5 2009, 17:14:39 UTC
they were shooting at themselves

Cool! I hadn't thought of that. With the memory issues, maybe they wouldn't know it was them.

Sawyer's feelings could have been handled with more subtlety, but at least he has feelings. Meanwhile Locke is becoming less and less likeable in his quest to save the island, rather than the actual people.


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