Title: Ebb and Flow (8/10) - "The Present is a Rope Stretched Over the Past"
Characters: Sawyer, Juliet, Jack, Kate
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: up to and including the season three finale
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine. This is what it would look like if it were.
Summary: Off island, Jack and Kate contemplate their mistake and receive help from unexpected
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Comments 4
Best line about Ben EVER, let me tell you. Your Sawyer POV was gorgeous here. I loved his interaction with Juliet and it makes sense he wouldn't trust Penny. Bad move, James, bad move.
Ouch, poor Jack and Kate! Of course now that she's disappeared things aren't wound to go well. And I really felt for both of them here. Jack going to Shannon's dance school made me teary. Again. LOL about Artz's daughters. And he fixed Clementine! Though the fact that Cassidy isn't in the picture doesn't smell good for her. *off to 9*
I can't believe you haven't taken a break! You are insane! You should be so sick of me by now. After this, we won't talk for weeks.
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