Luau Fic for Elise_509

Jul 27, 2008 10:58

Title: Renaissance
Characters: Juliet, Ana Lucia, Shannon, Claire, Libby, Danielle
Words: 1900
Rating: PG13
Warning: Spoilers up to the Lost S4 finale.
Summary: For Queen 
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fic: gen

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Comments 11

falafel_musings July 27 2008, 19:33:38 UTC
Now I realise why the 'Ladies of Lost' prompt is a toughie. Most of those lovely gals are dead now. Very odd, but charming image of all the dead women inside the cabin with a birthing Claire. LMAO at Christian, Charlie and Boone doing the men in the waiting room bit outside. Was Claire giving birth to Aaron a second time or was this a new child? Will Claire and this baby get on a frakking helicopter ( ... )


elliotsmelliot July 27 2008, 21:19:09 UTC
Yeah, the Ladies of Lost prompt was hard. Even after a concept that would reunite them all, it just sat there for over a week. I discovered Ana is just as uncooperative a character to write as Ben, if not more so. At least Ben likes the attention!

Was Claire giving birth to Aaron a second time or was this a new child?

To me this was Aaron again, which would nicely solve the Desmond vision issue, and take away any weird island/Jacob fertilization theories.

That's an interesting theory about the hatch/purple sky. Maybe to send Ben forward in time, the island had to go back, like when you wind a top.

Thanks for delving into the Ladies of Lost with me.


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elliotsmelliot July 28 2008, 13:34:33 UTC
Thanks! I realized halfway through that the Juliet and Claire stuff would be interesting for you. I'm so happy you glomped onto this one! It made its torturous writing worthwhile.


elise_509 July 29 2008, 02:26:56 UTC
Wow, this is so twisty and creepy and wonderfully strange. You and your brain! *is in awe* This is such a unique concept and a terrifically cool way to get all the ladies of lost together in the same place. And anyone who takes on the time/space issues of lost gets a trillion gold stars from me, because that stuff just boggles my mind. Thank you so much for this piece, babe! I know you had trouble with it and I so much appreciate you powering through for me, it's such a wonderful gift. *hugs*


elliotsmelliot July 29 2008, 03:40:16 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. I did have trouble with it and still feel I took the cheap way out by having them at a good ol' fashion birthing because baby stories are not my favourite.


alemyrddin August 1 2008, 08:43:12 UTC
This was sweet, and I like the idea that, instead, they are not dead, but they have just been brought back in time.
You put that time-traveling thing to real good use!


elliotsmelliot August 2 2008, 02:16:33 UTC
Thanks! In my mind they were all dead, except for Claire, who had the dead looking out for her, and Juliet. But I like how it could be read the other way. Thanks for commenting and reading.


janie_tangerine August 5 2008, 17:02:38 UTC
Damn, now I wish I had gotten to this one sooner! Oh well, joys of catching up ;) the idea was freaking brilliant. All the women reunited in such a situation was just gold. Ana's attitude was so very IC as Shannon's . Danielle holding the lantern and being the calm one was such a great touch and your Juliet voice was perfect, one could feel how happy she was when the baby was born. I loved how it tied up with the whole time traveling business, I just might take this as my canon. Oh, and much love for the 50s waiting room outside!! ;) I really loved it, it was so original and so well written. Great work!


elliotsmelliot August 5 2008, 17:57:43 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, even if this is my least favourite story. Maybe I am reflecting more on its growing pains. Apparently my muse leans towards the gents. Thanks so much for reading. I know I have a lot of luau fics, including yours, still to catch up on.


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