My new blog

Jan 29, 2008 17:35

So, I've decided to switch blogging services, and Silas and Ian recommended tumblr.  After my initial distaste at the whole 2.0 [word]r site name, I decided that I like this interface quite a bit better than LiveJournal.  Unfortunately, this doesn't have comments, so I had to manually add disqus, though that was surprisingly easy.  Should I ever decide to wax philosophically, you can find me at  I may change that, but that address will still always work.  I'll also post links to sites I find interesting, but aren't part of my feeds list (so I can't put them in Google Reader shared items).  This may or may not mean more blogging on my part.  I've seeded it (or will) with my last two LiveJournal entries at the appropriate dates and times.  If you're into that thing, there is, of course, an RSS feed.  I will still be keeping up with my LiveJournal friends in that fashion.
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