FF: Something in Return (NC17) (4/4)

Jul 04, 2006 23:12

Title: Something in Return
Author: Ellie (windblownellie@yahoo.com)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Rhett accepts Scarlett's proposition in the jail.

Chapter 19A

As Suellen spent the evening spinning plans for her wedding to
Frank Kennedy, Scarlett's mind was occupied with the more
practical aspects of a marriage to Rhett. Surely he wouldn't
want to stay at Tara, for she knew he had business dealings that
would be difficult to track so far away from any cities. And
he'd told her he had no use for a farm. But she couldn't just
abandon Tara to hired help, either.

With the faintest of excuses, Scarlett abandoned the parlor and
fled to her office to think. Neither she nor Rhett had
mentioned the proposal, and a small part of her hoped it could
simply be ignored for a while. Knowing Rhett, however, she knew
that the chances of that happening were miniscule. Perhaps if
he were willing to wait a little while, they could work out some

Scarlett sighed and poured herself a brandy. Just as she was
taking the first sip, a knock sounded at the door, exactly the
same as the night before. "Come in, Rhett," she called without
a glance at the door.

He approached her desk and poured himself a glass of brandy
under her watchful gaze. Rhett said nothing, simply took his
drink and settled on the settee, watching her in return.

"Oh, we're not children!" she finally cried in frustration.
Huffily, she rose from her accustomed chair and joined him on
the settee, sitting at the far opposite end. "What do you

"While I've been charmed by this rural interlude, I have
business to attend in Atlanta and will be returning there
tomorrow. I thought we might discuss our impending nuptials
before I depart."

"Suellen would be terribly upset if I did anything to overshadow
her wedding, Rhett, especially since this would be my second.
Could we put off doing anything about it for a little while?"

Over the edge of his glass, Rhett watched her carefully.
"You're not trying to change your mind."

"No, Rhett, nothing like that, really! I want the last time I
spend sharing a roof with her to be as peaceful as possible,
that's all. And it's so taxing to plan a wedding, let alone two
of them."

"I have the matter of those properties in Atlanta to settle, and
a few other deals to work out anyway. Would two months be
enough time to have sister Sue married off?"

After a moment's consideration, she nodded. "I think that's
quite possible."

The house had fallen silent before they finished ironing out the
details of their marriage. Two months had seemed a suitable
time frame for getting Suellen married and arranging for some
basic help at Tara, enough to allow her and Rhett a nice
honeymoon. Rhett agreed to tell no one of their arrangement
until he returned at the end of June with an engagement ring.
Much to Scarlett's delight, he easily agreed to spend their
first year of marriage living at Tara, journeying into Atlanta
once a week or so to take care of his business affairs. She
hoped by that time that the situation would be comfortable
enough that he would be happy staying permanently, or would wish
to move no farther than Atlanta so that Tara was close enough to
serve as a weekend and holiday home.

With the same casual air as he'd discussed the arrangements for
their marriage, Rhett took their glasses and placed them on the
sideboard. Then, turning to her, he asked, "Are you ready for
bed, Scarlett?"

Owl-like, she blinked at him before nodding and standing.
Thinking better on her feet, she looked at him curiously. "With

"We are engaged now." He crossed the room back to her in two
steps and surrounded her in his strong embrace. After a quick
kiss, he said, "And we won't have the chance for two more

"I suppose I could be agreeable to that. As long as no one
finds out," she said solemnly.

He chuckled and pulled away to look at her from arms' length.
"Such the little hypocrite. You don't mind sleeping with me,
but heaven forbid anyone know you're sharing a bed with your
future husband."

"Oh, don't be wicked. I'd be ruined! And then there'd be no
chance of me helping anyone around here anymore." She spun away
from him and quickly disappeared down the hall. It was only on
the stairs that he caught up to her, and she had to stifle a
squeal of surprise when he pinned her against the wall in the

Saying nothing, he kissed her deeply, her lips easily opening
under his after a moment of resistance. By the time Rhett broke
away, it was only his arms and the wall keeping her standing.
When he offered her his arm and led her silently to her room,
she took it gratefully.

Chapter 19B

No words were exchanged between them as he practically tore her
clothes from her body, discarding them in a trail across the
floor as they moved towards the bed. Rhett's touch was a
departure from the careful, delicate caresses with which he'd
seduced her in Atlanta; there was something unbridled and
passionate about this to which Scarlett abandoned herself fully.

She was amazed to find that both of them were completely nude
before the reached the bed, as Rhett carelessly tossed her
chemise to the floor. She'd been naked in bed with him before,
but never like this, and for a moment she drew back. Nervously
she cast a glance over his form in the pale moonlight, and he
stepped back from her and spread his arms wide, inviting her too
look. Then she was happy for the darkness, which hid her blush,
and she quickly climbed into bed to hide her reaction. Finding
him beautiful was not a reaction she'd expected to seeing him
unclothed, but there was something inviting about the planes and
curves of his flesh. As he joined her on the bed, she trailed
her fingers over his abdomen, admiring the play of the muscles
as he moved.

Still, no words passed between them, only a quirked eyebrow from
Rhett and a faint smile of assent from her. His hands burned
their way across her skin, sensitizing her to his every touch.
It took very little of this for her to move eagerly into his
caresses, wanting more, as much as he would give.

Rhett shifted them on the bed, one arm wrapping around her
waist, the other hand at her breast. His lips roamed from her
lips to her breast, kissing and nipping softly at the skin.
Subtly, his hand shifted from her waist, lower, teasing down and
around the back of her thigh, brushing skin tantalizingly close
to the tender folds of flesh where she most wanted his touch.
She writhed in his embrace, kissing him and trying to move so
that his fingers would touch her as she wished. But he held her
still, and she let out a whimper of frustration.

Before she knew what was happening, Rhett was over her and in
her and kissing her with shocking vehemence. The sensory
overload was enough to send her to the edge of climax, and as
Rhett began to move, she fell. As he continued to move, she
felt her climax continuing, and it was all she could do not to
cry out. It was almost too much, before Rhett moved swiftly
above her then stilled, rolling her onto her side with him.
Several moments passed before she felt capable of moving her
arms and wrapping them around him, burying her face against his

It was only afterwards, tucked snugly next to Rhett, that she
felt a flush of embarrassment replace the flush of passion
across her skin. No lady would behave as she'd done this night,
not ever. But she couldn't deny that if this is what the future
with Rhett would be like, the next two months could not pass
quickly enough.

Trailing her fingers lightly over his chest, she whispered,

"Yes, darling?" His voice was husky, and she could tell that he
was drifting towards sleep.

"I like that," she smiled at the endearment with almost
embarrassingly girlish delight. "Will being married be like

"Better." For emphasis, he kissed the top of her head where it
rested against his shoulder.

"Then it's good I have a lot to do, so that the next two months
fly past."

She could still feel his rumbling laugh and warm hands tracing
figures on her back as she drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

Chapter 20

The next two months did fly by for all the remaining O'Hara
sisters. All of them traveled to Atlanta for Suellen's wedding.
Scarlett and Careen spent the week at Aunt Pittypat's, and often
Scarlett would find herself sitting on the porch in the
afternoons, waiting for Rhett to ride up as he so often had
during the War.

Careen had found her there one afternoon, lost in thought.
Scarlett was startled out of her reverie when Careen settled
next to her. She'd always been the quietest sister, and it was
in a gentle tone that reminded Scarlett of her mother that
Careen asked, "Scarlett, may I speak with you?"

"Of course, Careen."

"I've been thinking, since Suellen's engagement, about what I
want to do. I know that you want to stay at Tara and keep it
running, but I know that's not for me. Even before we got sick,
I'd been discussing with Mother the possibility of entering the
convent in Savannah. We thought it would be best to wait until
the War was over, and now that things have settled down, I'd
like to go," Careen explained, calmly, as if discussing what she
was planning for dinner rather than her future.

At first, Scarlett had refused to let her, watching sourly as
she fled into the house in tears. But as she sat and stared at
nothing, she realized that all of them had the right to move on
with their lives and do what they wanted, just as she wanted to
marry Rhett and restore Tara. If her sister felt equally
passionately about becoming a nun, who was she to deny her that?
She returned inside and found Careen in the parlor with Mammy.

"Careen, do you truly want to go live in the convent? You're
sure you don't want to marry some day, or stay here in Atlanta a
bit and see if something else appeals to you?"

Careen looked at her curiously, then shook her head. "No,
Scarlett, I wouldn't. I made this decision, I've just been
waiting for the right time to follow through on it."

Scarlett sighed in the face of her little sister's
determination. "Fine, go become a nun if you'd like. It's not
my place to keep any of you from being happy."

When Careen rose calmly and embraced her, Scarlett began to
understand that this decision was quite suited to her sister.
She returned the embrace and began to wonder what it would be
like alone at Tara.


Two weeks before Rhett's scheduled return, Scarlett found
herself the last O'Hara at Tara. She'd had little time to
herself, finding tasks accomplished previously by both her
sisters left to her to handle. Wade had become her shadow,
which at times annoyed her, but gradually she'd realized over
the past week that it was practical to keep him close to her.
The more time she spent with him, the more she came to realize
that he was growing into a rather agreeable child, despite the
hardships that he'd been growing up under.

It was while listening to Wade read from a book of simple
nursery rhymes that she allowed her mind to drift, occasionally
helping him when he fumbled over a word. She'd not been feeling
well recently, not since going to Atlanta for Suellen's wedding.
Despite the lingering illness, she'd kept up a grueling pace,
trying to arrange everything for her sister's move to the
convent and workers for Tara, as well as provide for immediate
needs. It was enough for her that she was sitting here
listening to Wade read before bedtime, for she knew that it was
her presence that made him happy, even if he did not have her
full attention.

She tried to give him her full attention as he finished the
story and she dimmed the lamp. "Goodnight, darling. Mother
loves you," she said, kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight, Mother," Wade echoed into the darkness as she
slipped out the door.

It was not yet late enough for her to go to bed, and she made
her way downstairs to her office. Flipping between the ledger
and the calendar, she froze and looked again at the dates.
Surely it could not have been two months since her last flux!
She'd noticed it was a bit late, of course, but with as busy as
she'd been, she'd not troubled further with the idea, and had
not missed it. Yet the dates on the calendar were
incriminating, and the lingering illness suddenly seemed much
less mysterious.

God's nightgown, what could she do? From whispered rumors, she
knew there were ways to end undesired pregnancies, but those
rumors were always whispered after girls had died attempting to
do so, and Scarlett was not so foolish as that. Even if she'd
wanted to, there was no one here with such knowledge, and she
certainly couldn't go to Atlanta. Rhett would arrive in two
weeks, but even if they married the day he arrived, a child
seven months later would raise eyebrows and tarnish reputations.
Children were sometimes early, but never that early. And what
would Rhett think about it? They'd not discussed children, and
she had never heard him mention the desire for any, though he
was good enough with Wade.

Unconsciously, her left hand came to rest across her lower
abdomen. She'd not thought she wanted more children, and felt
ambivalent towards the son she did have. Yet the possibility of
a child with Rhett was not so terrifying, as she imagined a
spoiled little girl with dark curls and green eyes.

Her eyes drifted over the ledger and notebook of plans for Tara,
and she was brought back to reality. She was still hanging onto
subsistence by a thin thread, with big plans for the future and
no time to be ill or confined to bed. And what if Rhett didn't
want a child? Happy as he seemed spending time with her and
willing as he was to marry her, a child significantly altered
the equation. Especially when having one would implicate their
premarital relations and endanger any social future the child
might have.

She wanted to write to Rhett, to spill out all her concerns and
ask for his thoughts and advice. As she took up pen and paper,
however, she realized that she had no idea where he might be.
He wasn't in Atlanta last month when they were up, and she could
only assume he was traveling to wrap up business before settling
down at Tara for a while.

With an unexpectedly steady hand, she replaced the pen and rose
from the desk, heading for bed. The next two weeks couldn't
pass quickly enough for her.

Chapter 21

The two weeks preceding Rhett's return did pass quickly for
Scarlett, who kept herself busy in spite of her suspected
pregnancy. Now that she believed she was pregnant, and not ill,
she didn't worry so much about working hard. It fact, she was
coming in from the field for lunch one afternoon that she heard
hoof beats on the drive. Knowing it must be Rhett, she splashed
a bit of water on her face and hurried to the front of the house
to meet him.

He was tying up the horse when she opened the front door, and
the brim of his hat shaded his eyes as he looked up at her. The
smile he offered seemed genuine, and Scarlett met it with one of
her own as she greeted him.

"Have you missed me, then?" he asked, kissing her quickly on the

She pulled away from him and turned for the house. "The house
has been very quiet now that both my sisters are gone," she
answered evasively.

"Scarlett." He caught her wrist and arrested her movement,
stepping close to tower over her. When she tried to look away
from his intense gaze, he tilted her chin up, forcing her to
meet his eyes. "What's the matter? Have things been bad here?"

"No, no, nothing like that at all. Things are going very well,
and I've got more help hired. I'm just...you should come
inside, then we can talk." She pulled away and stepped into the
cool hallway, where they were met by Pork, who quickly relieved
Rhett of his suitcase. She wondered how long he'd been there,
watching, but she dismissed the worry; she had larger concerns
right now.

Rhett followed her silently into the dining room, where Wade was
waiting patiently. He must have heard the horse on the drive,
and Scarlett could see his barely-contained excitement at a
visitor, yet he remembered his manners and sat politely.

"Good afternoon, Wade. What's for lunch today?" queried Rhett,
settling into a chair near the boy.

"Hello, Captain Butler. There are chicken sandwiches today."

Lunch was an awkward affair, as both Scarlett and Rhett tried to
find topics of conversation safe for young ears. Most of the
time was spent catching up on Suellen's wedding and Careen's
departure for Savannah, interspersed with Wade's polite
responses to Rhett's inquiries about his adventures at Tara. He
had been speaking of his morning helping brush the horses, and
he readily returned to the barn at Scarlett's suggestion once
the table was cleared.

Still too quiet for Scarlett's liking, Rhett followed her to the
office, and she could feel him watching her as she locked the
door behind them. Ignoring her desire to hide by sitting in her
desk chair, she settled on the couch a safe distance from him
and sighed.

Unexpectedly, Rhett slid to the floor and began fishing in his
coat pocket. Removing something, he took her hand and said, "I
make no pretense of being an expert in how this should be done.
But I'm here to ask you to marry me, Scarlett." Easily, he
slipped a ring onto her finger.

For a moment, she sat staring at the lovely marquise cut diamond
flanked by two emeralds, large enough that she knew it was
extravagantly expensive, but still quite tasteful. It was a
striking contrast to her work-battered hands, with torn nails
and calloused fingers.

After she'd stared at the ring in silence for what seemed a
small eternity, Rhett asked, "Scarlett?"

"It's beautiful, Rhett. But there's something that I need to
speak with you about before I can accept this." Reluctantly,
she slipped the ring back off her finger and handed it shakily
to Rhett, who enveloped her trembling hand with his own as he
rose and settled beside her on the couch once more.

He gently caressed the back of her hand, and waited for her to
speak. There was nothing demanding about his posture, only an
expectant waiting that instilled a slight confidence in
Scarlett. With a deep breath and closed eyes, the words tumbled
from her lips. "I think I'm pregnant. We never discussed
anything about children. I know you're good to Wade, but
nothing was said about any of our own, and I never really wanted
any more and have no idea how you feel about them. There's also
no way to hide that I was pregnant long before we were married
when this child is born, but I can't not have this child,
either. And everyone--" Her tone was growing hysterical and
tears threatened, as she choked up and tried to find the words
to continue.

"Shh, Scarlett," he interrupted her, drawing her close and
wrapping her in his arms. "It makes no difference to me if we
have no children or twenty. Do you want this child?"

Sniffling, she pulled away to look at him. "You don't care at
all about having children?"

"That's not exactly what I said. And I asked what you wanted."
His voice was flatter and more emotionless than she'd ever heard

"There's no way I could.... I'm having a baby, but what will
everyone say? Everyone will know we were together, and the
whole family's reputation will be ruined!"

"What if we were married at the courthouse tomorrow, and went on
a nice long tour of Europe? The baby would be born there, we
could stay for a while, and until we returned, dates would be a
distant memory."

"Oh, Rhett, do be serious!"

"I'm being perfectly serious."

"I've just hired help, I can't abandon Tara. And what about
Wade? I couldn't just leave him, and he needs to start school.
Besides, someone would eventually put dates together."

"What would you like to do, then?"

"I'd like for this never to have happened!" she cried, twisting
out of his arms to bury her face in her hands. Trying to
control her tears, she continued, "Just when everything seemed
to be going right, when I had a chance to be happy."

Gently, Rhett pulled her back into his arms, and she buried her
face against his chest. "You're more worried about what the
world will think than about the simple fact you're pregnant."

"How can I ignore that?"

"If we're married when this child is born, the gossip won't be
as bad, certainly not out here in the country. From what you've
told me, you have the respect of your neighbors, who also don't
seem the sort to judge as harshly as Atlanta society might. And
as my wife, you won't have to work so hard to make sure things
in your life go right. I want to help take care of things."

"Truly?" She ventured a hopeful glance at his face.

"Truly. I want to see you happy, not miserable like this."

With a supreme effort she mustered a watery smile, appreciative
of the sentiment. Then she plunged ahead with the question that
was still troubling her. "What do you think about our having a
baby now?"

"While this is not the timing I would have chosen," he conceded,
"I can't say I'm unhappy about it. I do like children, but if
we never had any of our own, I would have been just as happy to
raise Wade as our only child."

"You do want it!"

"You say that like you're surprised."

"I am, a little, Rhett. You've just never seemed the sort. You
said you weren't the marrying kind, so I assumed that you
wouldn't be the fathering kind either. I thought it might be
too much all together, and that you'd leave."

"Scarlett, don't ever make assumptions about what I'll do or
think. Don't ever be afraid to ask me about anything. There's
no faster route to misunderstandings and conflict than making
assumptions about other people."

She nodded slightly and settled back against him. "If I have to
have a baby, I'm glad it's yours. Think how pretty she'll be."

Rhett laughed, pulling her close, then put one warm hand on her
lower abdomen over her skirts. She knew he couldn't feel
anything yet--she barely could herself, even undressed--but the
gesture was touching just the same. "And just think how
horribly difficult she will be to discipline."

"Fiddle-dee-dee, I can't see you disciplining anyone."

Laughing again, he agreed. "Probably not. I'm far too
indulgent of those I care about. Why else would I be marrying
you?" He slipped the ring back on her finger and kissed her

"You care about me? And not just because of the baby?"

"I asked you to marry me before you told me anything about

Scarlett sat up a bit straighter in his arms and kissed him
then, softly meeting his lips. Rhett pulled her up onto his lap
and deepened the kiss, her lips parting under his. There was a
tenderness she'd not experienced before with him, and she felt
blissfully loved sitting in his embrace.

She pulled away abruptly. "You love me." It was not a

"Yes." He kissed her again. "I do. Why else would I be so

She laughed and punched him softly on the shoulder. "You're a
horrible man, Rhett Butler."

"And you love me for it." He smirked at her mock-disapproval.

"Yes, I do," she echoed his response back, unthinking, then
froze. She'd not fully realized it herself, but her
subconscious had known and answered for her.

"We'll be well prepared for our wedding vows, then," he laughed,
kissing her again.

Chapter 22

Rhett made himself scarce that evening, and Scarlett had sat in
her office waiting in vain for him. She had no idea with what
he could be occupying himself, and assumed he would seek her out
after Wade was put to bed, as he'd previously done when visiting
Tara. Yet tonight, when she most expected it, his absence
confused her.

Finally, she gave up and ascended the stairs, yawning, as the
clock was striking eleven. The house was still and silent, and
the creaking of her door as it shut seemed outrageously loud.
More outrageous still was the presence of Rhett in her bed; she
knew he couldn't be sleeping, but he remained still as a statue
as she crossed the room and undressed for bed.

Only when Scarlett quietly slid into bed next to him did Rhett
speak, uttering a simple "hello." She responded not with words,
but by nestling close beside him and curling an arm across his
broad chest.

Her actions drew a laugh from him, low and gentle in her ear.
"You have missed me, Scarlett."

"I have," she whispered, "but I was also afraid of what would
happen when you did return."

Rhett shifted away from her slightly and ran one hand down her
side, slowing as he reached her hip and tracing gently across
the slight convexity of her abdomen. His hand lingered there,
feather-light, yet warming her soul. Almost imperceptibly, she
moved into his touch, suddenly needing his reassurance. For a
moment, his touch was firm and tender, then subtly shifted with
the movement of his hand back out to her hip, pulling her close
to him.

The connection between them, seconds earlier so contented,
shifted abruptly to inflamed passion. Their lips met in an kiss
that, combined with the intensity of his embrace, left Scarlett
fearing she might loose consciousness.

When their lips parted, she sought his gaze in the dim light.
Only the palest glimmers of moonlight reflected back in his
eyes, but for the first time she could detect a happiness there.
She smiled at him and pressed herself closer, unhappy with the
layers of fabric between them. One of her hands found the hem
of his shirt and snaked its way underneath, roaming over his
smooth, warm skin. While she felt uncertain initiating contact,
Rhett seemed content to let her do as she wished, relaxing back
against this pillows after obliging her by removing his shirt.

Scarlett rained scattered kisses across his chest as her hand
danced down his muscular arm. His other arm was wrapped
securely around her, grazing up and down her back and cocooning
her in the shelter of him. Emboldened, she ventured one hand
down his stomach to toy at the waistband of his drawers, dipping
just underneath before skittering back up to safer territory.

"Tease," Rhett laughed.

The comment was made in jest, she knew, but it disturbed her all
the same. Her body tensed, and her hands stilled their

"It's all right, Scarlett. I was joking," he reassured her.

"I know, it's just that...I don't..." she fumbled for the right
words, pulling farther away from him in an effort to clear her
mind. "This is all still so different for me, I wish you
wouldn't laugh about it."

Rhett sat up in bed and drew her up into his lap. "We should be
laughing in bed together, Scarlett. We should be enjoying
ourselves and having fun."

"I just wish it wouldn't be at my expense."

"Point taken. I'm sorry, Scarlett," he apologized with a kiss
to her forehead. "Why don't you tell me what you'd like to do
tonight, then?"

She looked up at him in confusion, wishing she'd left a candle
burning. "Aren't we making love, then?"

"Would you like to?" The amusement was clear in his voice, but
it was tempered with happiness, not mockery.

"Yes, but-"

"No buts, Scarlett. Just tell me what you'd like to do."

"This," she said, and kissed him again, soundly. "And I'd like
to.... No, I'd like you to take off my chemise and touch me."
The darkness hid the flaming embarrassment written on her
cheeks, and she was glad he could not see her.

Without a word, Rhett pulled her chemise up and over her head,
tossing it away into the black void of the room. His hands
returned quickly to her body, running down her torso and
shifting her to straddle his hips. "Where would you like me to
touch you? Here?" His hands traced across her collar bone and
down to cup her breasts, tenderly lifting and kneading. "Here?"
His hands moved down to once more cover her abdomen. "Or here?"
One hand slid lower, moving between her legs, slipping through
the moist flesh, not quite entering her.

"Yes," was all she could answer.

It seemed that his hands were everywhere at once, flitting
across her skin, never stopping, only inflaming her desire to be
touched. When she reached up to still one of her hands on her
breast, the action was as unexpected for her as for Rhett. He
chuckled and obliged her, focusing both his hands on the soft
flesh of her breasts. His fingers traced her areola, and she
leaned forward into his caresses. At last his thumbs brushed
across her nipples, and she sighed, breath ruffling through
Rhett's hair.

She leaned down to kiss him, lips meeting his in an initially
tender gesture, but it quickly became one of passion. Rhett's
hands slid away from her breasts to pull her closer, his large
hands resting on her hips. Her hands toyed once more with the
hem of his shirt, and she pulled away from him to pull it up,
Rhett taking her cue and allowing her to lift it over his head.
She lay back down against his bare chest, enjoying the feel of
his warm skin against hers. It was impossible for her to fail
to notice how much Rhett was enjoying this, her position across
his lap making it immediately noticeable to her, especially as
he pulled her close against him. The vulnerability of her
position, and her nudity, made her once again self-conscious,
and she returned to the safe ground of pressing kisses along the
length of Rhett's neck.

"You want more than this, don't you, Scarlett?" Rhett asked

Nestling her face close against his neck, she nodded in reply.

Scarlett felt confused for a moment when Rhett shifted her, then
rose a bit off the bed, but when he settled her back against
him, she realized he was now as naked as she. Laying as she
was, she felt extremely aware of his arousal, pressed just
against her entrance. For a long moment, she was still, unsure
of whether to move away from it or towards it; Rhett provided
her no answer, seeming content to let her decide what she

Then she decided she did want him, and shifted just
fractionally, moving the hot flesh of her entrance against him.
Both of them sighed then, and Rhett seemed to loose his ability
to let her make the decisions.

"Here," he whispered in her ear, lifting her up, so he was
poised to enter her. At the urging of his hand on her hip, she
lowered herself back down, feeling him slide into her as she did
so, stretching her, filling her. He allowed her to sink down
onto him at her own pace, and she took her time, savoring the
feeling; it was so different than feeling a man push into her,
welcoming him in just as she wished.

She sat up and looked down at Rhett, and knew her grin was just
as large as the one now gracing his face. His hands slowly
resumed their travels over her skin as she adjusted to this new
experience, focusing on her breasts for several minutes before
returning to her hips. Returning there, he urged her to move,
and Scarlett was almost overwhelmed at the shimmering sensations
as she moved, shifting positions and angles, finding each more
pleasurable than the last. Rhett kept his hands on her hips and
let her experiment, groaning softly when she leaned down to kiss
him, still moving her hips ever so subtly against him.

This time her climax was not startling to her, and she'd been
able to control its progress, and had felt it rising as she
moved over Rhett. Yet when it did crash over her, she cried out
in pleasure as she had not done before. Only then did Rhett
move underneath her, prolonging the experience for her, until
she felt him shudder and still, muttering her name.

Both of them were still then, Scarlett resting, exhausted and
overwhelmed, against his chest, trying to press herself as close
to him as possible. After a moment, she felt Rhett's arms wrap
around her, and she dozed off to sleep.

Chapter 23

Scarlett woke as the dawn was breaking, as she'd become
accustomed to doing. But, turning slightly so that she was
fully on her side, she felt Rhett's arms tighten around her, and
she allowed herself to sink back against his chest and return to

When she next awoke, Rhett's kisses were tickling their way down
her neck, and the room was bright with morning sunlight. She
still felt no need to leave the comfort of his embrace, merely
brought one of his hands up from where it rested at her waist
and kissed his roughened fingertips before releasing it. It
skimmed, tantalizingly, over her breast before returning to her

"Good morning."

"Mmm, good morning. What time is it? This is later than I've
slept in months!"

"Don't worry about it. You need to rest," Rhett kissed her
cheek and moved away from her, rising from the bed. "I'll take
care of sending breakfast up for you. Just relax this morning."

She rolled over and watched him dress, the play of his muscles
as he bent and buttoned. When he turned to flash her a sly grin
before opening the door, she reciprocated.

A smile still lingered on her lips when Rhett returned with her
breakfast, and grew when she saw the quantity of food he'd
brought for her.

"Heavens, Rhett, I'll be as big as a house if I eat all this!"

"To hell with that while you're pregnant. Eat as much as you
want." Emphasizing the point, he offered her a forkful of eggs.

Even while chewing, the smile lingered. "This is more spoiled
than I've been at home since before the war. And no one fed my
breakfast to me even then. I could get used to this." She
nestled deeper into the pillows, taking a tentative sip of
coffee then blowing across the cup of steaming liquid.

"Being spoiled agrees with you so much more than slaving away
here. Are you sure you don't want to let me take you to Europe
and spoil you there?" Rhett traced a tempting finger across her
collarbones before offering up another bite of egg.

"Mmm," Scarlett bought time to think, chewing slowly. The idea
of escaping her daily reality was a tempting one, but was it
truly the right choice to make? "We've discussed this, Rhett,
and I just don't see how I can right now. It's such a tempting
offer, but I can't see how it's the responsible thing to do."

Abruptly, Rhett sat up and shifted away from her, tilting his
head to stare at her. "I don't believe you're the real Scarlett
O'Hara! Where's my fun-loving belle of the ball?"

She sighed and pushed the breakfast tray away from her, to rest
a hand on her stomach. "She's had a few years of having to
think about everyone but herself, and is responsible for too
many people now to just up and leave them, much as she'd like

"And a marvelous job you've done taking care of everyone but
yourself. Maybe I'd like to see that you're just as well taken
care of, hmm?" Rhett leaned in to kiss her cheek before
continuing, "And we can make sure things are in capable hands
while we're away."

"Do you really think so?" she asked warily, toying with the edge
of the sheet and avoiding his gaze.

"Will would do a wonderful job managing Tara while we're away,
and who better than Mammy to take care of Wade?"

"But we would be gone for so long! And with this baby...."

"There are better doctors in the capitals of Europe than you
will find anywhere in Georgia. And when you want to come back
here, all you have to do is ask."

"Really and truly?"

"Really and truly," he said with a laugh, pulling her close to
kiss her once more.

"All right then." Her tone was clear and decisive, and she
sealed her decision with a long, lingering kiss before climbing
out of bed. "We had better start getting ready!"

Rhett smiled and took a hearty bite of her breakfast as Scarlett
began searching for an appropriate dress for the day. "When
would you like to leave?"

"How soon can we?"

"A ship sails every week from both Savannah and Charleston. We
can marry tomorrow and be on the ship by Friday."

"That's so fast!" Scarlett sat down on the edge of the bed,
mulling over the possibility of doing so much work so quickly.
Ultimately, the impulsive, eager side of her won out. "But
let's do it!"

"Then I had best head into town and make the necessary

As he departed, Scarlett looked around the room and tried to
come to grips with the cyclone that had suddenly rearranged her
plans for life. With a smile, she pulled on a simple calico
dress and set about aligning life with her new plans.

Chapter 24

Scarlett shifted, trying to orient herself as well as quell the
nausea already roiling her stomach. It took a few moments for
her newly awakened mind to catch up with the whirlwind of her
last forty-eight hours.

Storm clouds had been building as they'd left Tara to be
married, and torrents of rain were falling by the time the
ceremony was complete. Despite Rhett's best efforts, both of
them had been soaked in the time it took to board the train.
He'd procured a blanket, and she'd snuggled close to him, but
had to endure the agonizingly long journey to Atlanta in layers
of wet clothing. She didn't remember much of their arrival
there, or their departure the next morning for Savannah, only
that Rhett had carried her rather than wake her. She'd been so
happy to board the ship yesterday evening, to finally be
ensconced in the luxury Rhett was so happy to provide for her.
But Scarlett had never before traveled by ship, and within hours
was realizing that it did not agree so well with her.

With a great deal of effort, Scarlett opened her eyes, and found
Rhett sitting at the bedside watching her, a book forgotten on
his lap.

"How are you feeling this morning, Mrs. Butler?"

She smiled at her new name, but almost immediately grimaced as
her stomach spun, the combination of seasickness and pregnancy
causing her to curl up in a small ball on the bed. "Terrible,"
she mumbled.

"You'd feel better if you came up on deck and got some fresh

Groaning, Scarlett pressed her face into the pillow. "I'd never
make it to the deck."

Rhett laughed gently. "You can't lay there the whole way to
France. I'll help you up."

With little resistance, Scarlett allowed herself to be pulled
from bed and dressed, nausea simmering as Rhett guided her. It
was only his strong arm around her that got her out the door of
their cabin, and she hoped she didn't make a fool of both of
them in front of everyone on the boat.

Once on deck, Scarlett did have to admit that the sea air was
refreshing and the sun was lovely. Rhett helped her settle into
a deck chair before ordering them tea. Scarlett took several
deep breaths before attempting a sip of tea, and was startled to
find her nausea receding.

"Feeling better, my pet?" Rhett asked, watching her over the
rim of his teacup.

Scarlett settled her cup back in its saucer and took another
deep breath before replying with a tentative, "Yes, I believe I
do feel a bit better."

"Some exercise will help you, too. You've been under so much
stress, once you've settled into the rhythm of life on the ship,
the journey will become quite pleasant. Would you care for a
walk to look around the ship when we're finished our tea?"

Without a word, Scarlett nodded and picked up her cup.

The combination of air and exercise did the trick, as Scarlett
even felt well enough to dine with her fellow travelers that
evening. Nausea also remained at bay as she drifted off to
sleep, Rhett's arms gently embracing her.

When she woke the next morning, Scarlett took a deep breath
before opening her eyes. Doing so, she caught the faint scent
of the sea, wafting in from an open porthole, slightly exotic
yet soothing. Rhett, still sleeping, reacted to her movement by
tightening his embrace. One hand, resting on her hip, pulled
her closer to him. The other, resting on her breast, contracted
and began gently kneading the flesh. She inhaled deeply once
more, pushing herself more firmly into his hands.

"Is this the way I should expect to be awakened in the future?
A beautiful woman pushing herself into my embrace?"

"As long as I'm the one in your embrace!" Scarlett laughed and
placed her own hand over his as it cupped her breast.

"Always." Rhett’s other hand drifted down from her hip to rest
once more over their developing child. Love pervaded the room
as they drifted back to sleep, the sea breeze whispering around
them as it carried them towards their future as a family.

rhett, gwtw, fic, something in return, scarlett

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