FF: Something in Return (NC17) (1/4)

Jul 04, 2006 23:05

Title: Something in Return
Author: Ellie (windblownellie@yahoo.com)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Rhett accepts Scarlett's proposition in the jail.

Chapter 1

"Do you feel well enough to talk sense?"

"Let me go!"

"You are well enough, I see."

She stopped struggling and met his eyes. The coldness was
gone from them, replaced by something she couldn't
identify, something vaguely dangerous. Scarlett sank back
into the chair and Rhett settled across from her.

"Am I correct in assuming that since you've come here to
make me this offer that I am your last resort? Or are
there others to whom you plan on making this delightful

Picking at one of the calluses on her palm, she refused to
look at him. "No," she said, shaking her head. "I don't
know anyone else to ask, and if we don't have that money,
all of us will be turned out. Oh, I know I can go live at
Aunt Pitty's, but all of us can't go there, Rhett." She
finally looked up at him as tears threatened to spill from
her eyes.

Rhett met her gaze and settled back into the chair with a
heavy sigh. "Scarlett, I really don't have any money here,
and should I attempt to withdraw funds from accounts
elsewhere it would draw attention I don't need right now."

He sounded sincere, the dark bite gone from his tone. She
dropped her gaze to her worn palms once more, hope fading.

Only the faint drone of the soldiers talking in the other
room filled the silence that hung between them for a

"When do you need the money?"

The sound of his voice nearly startled her. "Oh-the first
of the month. I don't know where-" She broke off as Rhett
rose from his chair and walked to the makeshift desk in the

"Your uncle Henry is back in town, correct?"

She nodded, rising and making her way to the desk with a
mix of curiosity and trepidation. "He is, but he hasn't
got that much money, either."

"I realize that, or you certainly wouldn't be here." He
was writing furiously as she peered over his shoulder.
When he finished, he turned and looked at her sharply. "I
want you to take this note right to Uncle Henry and have
him wire my lawyer in Charleston. He'll understand, and
you should have your money the day after tomorrow."

He held the paper out to her, but before taking it, she
crushed him in an impulsive hug. "Oh, thank you so much,

"Don't thank me just yet," he said, remaining still as she
pulled back from him. "When I am released, I will have
some business to attend to elsewhere, but then I will come
see you at Tara and we will work out the details of your
end of our bargain."

Scarlett's face fell even as she reached for the note.
"You mean you are taking me up on my-ah-offer after all?"

"As you have so astutely observed, I never do anything
without an ulterior motive. I am not in the habit of
lending out large sums of money without getting something
in return." The cold tone she knew well was back in his
voice, and his eyes were dangerous as she returned his

"Fair enough, Rhett." She swallowed and placed the
carefully folded note into her bag. "Thank you just the

Rhett rose and wrapped an arm around her waist before
kissing her firmly on the lips. She was still reeling from
the kiss as he led her to the door. Trying to sort out the
emotions whizzing through her, she barely heard him tell
her goodbye.


Two days later, just as promised, Henry Hamilton arrived
with an envelope for Scarlett. He had been less than
enthusiastic about associating himself with Rhett, but had
grudgingly assisted his niece.

William Payton, senior partner at the law firm Rhett used,
had hand-delivered the envelope to Henry's office, on his
way to seeing Rhett in jail. Henry had been somewhat
scandalized by the whole affair, and made his feelings
known as she eagerly accepted the envelope from him.

Even Scarlett was surprised when she opened the envelope.
Inside was not only a cordial note on Payton & Miller's
firm letterhead, but a check for four hundred dollars. She
sat in quiet astonishment a moment before she could speak.

"Uncle Henry, thank you so much for all of you assistance
with this. Do you suppose you could give me a ride to the

The ride to the bank passed in near silence, as Scarlett
contemplated her additional windfall. Surely this could
not have been pure generosity-he'd been angry enough the
other day she was lucky she'd gotten any help at all from
Rhett. Yet here was an additional hundred dollars for her
to do with as she'd like. No, not as she liked, she
realized. Everyone at Tara needed more than that hundred
dollars would buy. But it would be a start.

Chapter 2

In the two months since her visit to Atlanta, Scarlett had
not allowed herself to think of the debt she still owed
Rhett. She had thrown herself back into the running of
Tara, contenting herself that they had something to eat and
a roof over their heads. Rhett's generosity had purchased
enough fabric for everyone to have new clothes, and the
sewing had proved an excellent occupation for her sisters
and Melanie.

Scarlett herself continued to work in the fields, knowing
they were still far short of the labor they needed to
function successfully. One afternoon she was so intent on
her silent work alongside Will that she barely noticed
Careen rushing across the field.

"Scarlett! Scarlett!"

"Careen! What on earth are you doing out here! What's

Careen tried to catch her breath before continuing, "A man
on horseback's coming up the drive."

Scarlett dropped her hoe and looked at Will. "I don't know
anyone who would be out calling in the middle of the
afternoon while everyone around here is hard at work."

Without a backwards glance, Scarlett hurried across the
field, Careen trailing slowly behind. She quickly
retrieved the pistol she'd stored in her mother's office
and went to meet their visitor at the door.

As the horse stopped by the front steps, Scarlett swung the
door open, gun pressed into the folds of her skirt. With a
deep breath, she put on her bravest front. "Stop right
there. We don't want any trouble."

It was only when a laugh rang out from the shadowed figure
that she took a closer look at him. The jaunty tip of the
hat and well-tailored suit she should've recognized
anywhere, even if it was nearly the same blue as a Yankee's

"Rhett! What on earth are you thinking showing up and
scaring me! Why I might have shot you!" She hoped her
voice didn't betray her swirling emotions.

"I have more faith in you and your lack of marksmanship
than that." Rhett's laugh was cut off abruptly by the
appearance of Will around the corner of the house, carrying
a shotgun.

"It's fine, Will. This is Captain Butler, a friend of ours
from Charleston." Scarlett pasted a smile on her face as
Will lowered his rifle and cautiously stepped forward to
take the reins of Rhett's horse.

Will said nothing, simply nodded and led the horse away.

Scarlett fumbled with the gun as Rhett crossed the porch to
stand in front of her. "I might have shot you. I did
shoot someone here, during the war." She looked up to
Rhett, startled to see a mixture of amusement and
admiration in his eyes and a smile playing at the corners
of his lips.

"I would rather you never have to touch a gun again,
Scarlett." He took the pistol from her hand and stood
staring at her.

"Oh, heavens, you've startled me right out of my manners.
Please, come inside before Mammy wonders why we're standing
out here talking."

She led him into the parlor, knowing well that it would be
occupied by Melanie and her sisters. They would surely
keep him occupied long enough to postpone whatever Rhett
had come here for until after dinner. "Will you be staying
for dinner, Rhett?"

"I was hoping I might stay the night. It's a long ride out
from Atlanta."

She blanched at his words, hoping he didn't mean that

"Don't look so frightened. No one will think me less than
the perfect gentleman while I'm here, I promise."

"Fair enough, I suppose," she said, sliding the parlor door
open. "Captain Butler, you remember Mrs. Wilkes. And
these are my sisters, Suellen and Careen. Please, make
yourself comfortable while I go tell Mammy and Dilcey we
have company for dinner."

She fled the room as quickly as grace permitted her,
wondering how on earth she was going to explain Rhett's
presence to Mammy. No simple excuse would satisfy her
curiosity, Scarlett knew.


She'd left instructions with Pork to prepare somewhere for
Rhett to sleep and fled to the office immediately after
dinner. In the past-capacity house, she'd abandoned her
own room in favor of the office, spending what little time
she had working and sleeping here. The cushions on the
couch still retained some of her mother's perfume, if she
breathed deeply enough. There were fleeting moments when
sitting and breathing deeply with her eyes shut, she could
almost imagine everything was as it should have been,
running smoothly under her mother's instructions.

Such a badly needed moment was interrupted by a knock at
the door.

Scarlett sighed, knowing who it must be. "Come in."

Rhett stepped into the room, closing the door gently behind
him. "We need to talk, Scarlett."

He took a seat on the couch and she could feel him watching
her as she rose and walked to the chair opposite it. She
was unsure whether she should meet his gaze or avoid it.
When she ventured a glimpse and saw the shrewd, predatory
look in his eyes, she quickly focused them on the
threadbare rug.

"You recall the deal we made." He could have been talking
about the weather for as calm as he sounded.

"Yes, I do very well." She struggled to rein in her temper
as worry and doubt overtook her. Hadn't he said he would
be a gentleman while he was here?

"Everything has been well here since we spoke?"

She was surprised enough by the question to look at him.
The concern seemed genuine. "Yes, we've all been very
well, thank you. The extra money--"

"Was nothing, I assure you. I assumed that if you'd sunk
to cannibalizing the draperies and begging money from me,
you must have been badly in need."

"We were-oh, you shouldn't say such things!"

He chuckled and she felt her indignation grow.

"It's the truth, isn't it? Never be afraid to say what's
true, Scarlett."

She pouted and refused to look at him. If she was honest
with herself, what he'd said was perfectly true, and she
couldn't fault him for it. His knowing it had kept
everyone in clothes. But it wouldn't do for her to admit

"I don't suppose you're the least bit curious about why I'm

"I suppose you've come to-to collect on your half of our
deal. Why don't you just get it over with and leave before
anyone finds out?"

"Scarlett, come here." His voice was firm as he reached a
hand out for her, and without thinking, she obeyed. He
drew her down onto the couch beside him, keeping her hand
in his. "While I fully intend to collect on my half of our
deal, I don't intend for it to be shameful for you."

"How can it be anything but?" She tried to push memories
of her wedding night with Charles out of her head, and
blushed furiously.

"I meant to your reputation, my little hedonist, but I
don't see why you can't enjoy it as well."

"Enjoy it!" Scarlett pulled her hand from his and
struggled back against the couch. "I don't possibly see
how I could enjoy such a thing!"

Rhett pulled her to him suddenly, crushing his lips to
hers. She fought against his arms for a moment before
giving into the sensations swirling around her. If she
hadn't already been sitting, she was sure she would have
collapsed. Hesitantly, her arms encircled Rhett's strong
form as her body tingled with foreign sensations. What on
earth was he doing to her?

Abruptly, he pulled away. "Tell me you didn't enjoy that."

She could only look at him, eyes wide, as she tried to slow
her racing heart.

"You can enjoy it, Scarlett, if only someone gives you the
chance. And I would also like your assistance as my
secretary for a few weeks."

"Oh." She was startled by this sudden return to business.
Furrowing her brow, she tried to reconcile the two.

"I'm in need of some assistance while making some real
estate investments around Atlanta, and know what a sensible
mind you can have when you bother to apply it. It seemed
to provide a nice, proper excuse for you to be spending a
month in the National Hotel in a suite adjoining mine. If
anyone asks, you can simply tell them you needed money for
Tara, and I've employed you."

"Well, that makes sense, I suppose. So I'll be helping you
with business rather than-"

"No, you'll be doing both."

"I see." She wasn't sure she did at all. But what choice
did she have? And certainly it couldn't be terrible--he was
sure to make sure she was well fed for a month. Now he was
looking at her with that expression she could never make
sense of, like he was waiting on her. She sighed.

"We can reevaluate our arrangement at the end of the month.
I'll expect you at the National Hotel a week from

He kissed her fiercely once more, sending her heart racing.
Her mind was reeling under his pleasant kisses and the
prospect of spending the month with someone who didn't mind
when she spoke the truth. She didn't have a chance to
puzzle the matter out further with him, though. Rhett
broke away from their embrace and left the room without a
backward glance.

Scarlett didn't fall asleep until she heard the clatter of
his horse's hooves on the drive as dawn broke.

Chapter 3

Atlanta seemed busier than ever as Scarlett watched the
city roll past her carriage window. Between the depot and
the hotel, she failed to recognize one person, and this
bolstered her hopes that perhaps her time here with Rhett
wouldn't attract so much attention. Certainly there
wouldn't be the sort of fuss that had been made at Tara
when she'd announce her plans; both Mammy and Ashley looked
ready to physically restrain her from going to Atlanta.

What right did Ashley have to tell her how to behave, after
all? He'd refused to take her away from her problems, she
thought, so why does he think he can tell me how to fix
them? Heavens, he'd raised a worse fuss than Mammy, who'd
done no more than make a few reproving comments.

As the carriage pulled up to the National Hotel, she was
pleased to think that for a month there would be no one to
nag at her but Rhett, and he didn't seem the nagging type
to her. She smoothed her simple brown dress-her only dress
without patching or holes-as she stepped down from the
carriage and handed her simple bag over to the porter.

Entering the hotel, she remembered how pleasant it could be
to stay somewhere nice. There were lamps and carpets and
no one looked half-starved. Scarlett felt self-conscious
in her dull dress, especially when the concierge cast a
look in her direction. Yet that look changed to one of
respect after she'd given him her name.

"Your other bags have already been taken to your rooms,
Mrs. Hamilton. I hope you had a pleasant journey here."

Scarlett paused, pen hovering over the register she'd been
signing. She'd brought no other bags. Unless he was
talking about Rhett's things. She simply nodded and
continued signing, preferring not to think about that.

"Your key, ma'am. Please enjoy your stay with us."

"Thank you," she said, taking the key.

The vague worry she'd been feeling since leaving Tara that
morning grew stronger as she followed the porter to her
room. She barely noticed that they had arrived and the
porter stood by her open door until he gave a soft cough.
Startled out of her thoughts, she dug a tip for the man out
of her purse and entered the rooms Rhett had arranged for

They were simply but elegantly furnished, with polished
wood and silver gleaming. A bright vase of lilacs sat on
the round oak table in the sitting room, an envelope
propped up against it.

With a trembling hand, Scarlett reached for the envelope
and settled onto the cream silk couch to open it. Inside
was a brief note from Rhett telling her to make herself
comfortable and plan to join him for dinner in the dining
room downstairs at seven. A glance at the mantle clock
told her she had several hours before she needed to worry
about that.

The soft carpets muffled her footfalls as she wandered
through the suite and took in the massive bed. It looked
so soft and inviting, and a nap seemed such a lovely idea.
Before giving into the temptation she opened the dressing
room door to deposit her valise.

She was shocked to find that there were already clothes
hanging inside. The valise fell to the floor, forgotten,
as she reached for the dresses. Four were elegant but
practical enough for everyday wear. She stroked her
roughened hands over the soft cotton and linen, noting the
beautiful detailing on the collar of the dove gray dress,
the fanciful pleating on the skirt of the burgundy, the
lace cuff of the sapphire, and the particular shade of mint
Rhett had chosen for her. There was no question that this
was his doing, and she was amazed at his generosity. More
amazing still was the fifth dress, a lilac evening gown of
watered silk. She hadn't had anything so lovely since
before the war.

When she stepped back from admiring the gowns, she bumped
into a set of drawers. Opening them, she found stacks of
new chemises, nightgowns, stockings, and gloves. She
picked up one of the kid gloves, thinking of the small
fortune he must have spent on clothes alone. Surely all of
this expense was greater than the four hundred dollars he'd
given to her. It made no sense, but rarely did Rhett ever
make sense to her.

A card dropped out of the glove as Scarlett replaced it in
the drawer. It bore the name and address of a New York
boutique. She realized that he must have been planning all
this since his release from jail.

The card was still in her hand as she made her way back to
the inviting bed. She dozed off contemplating the expense
and effort Rhett had gone through to bring her here. Yet
he never criticized her the way those at Tara did, those
very people she was trying to help by being here. He could
be unpleasant, of course, but rarely was he judgmental the
way it seemed everyone else had been towards her.


Something was tangled around her and she was running,
trying to get free. She didn't know what had trapped her
or where she was going, but she just had to get there. Fog
swirled closer around her and she choked out a gasping sob
before she felt something tickling her ear.

With a gasp, Scarlett started awake. Rhett was sitting
beside the bed, whispering in her ear, one hand smoothing
along her back. It took her a moment to remember where she

"Nightmare?" His voice was gentle, like speaking to a
terrified child, but he allowed her to pull away and sit up
on the downy bed.

She took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes."

"Do you have those often?" He pulled his hands away from
the bed and sat back in the chair, watching her.

"Sometimes. Not so often lately." Giving him a faint
smile, she rose to her feet. "Thank you, by the way, for
the dresses. They're beautiful."

"I could hardly have you accompany me through town in that
same horrid dress all month. Think of the damage that
would do my reputation."

"Do be serious, Rhett! You didn't have to buy me such nice
things. And the lilac is really too much. I don't know
what I'll do with it. The others will be lovely for
Melanie and my sisters when I go home, of course, but I
have nowhere to wear an evening gown."

His surprise at her words was easy for Scarlett to see for
once. "You're planning on giving those beautiful dresses
away?" he sputtered.

"Well, it seems awfully impractical for me to have five
dresses when everyone else has one. They'll go much
farther if I give one to everyone. I can't afford to be
hoarding clothes for myself."

Rhett's countenance seemed to soften before her eyes.
"Then Scarlett, you ought to go put on that impractical
lilac gown now, so we can go down to dinner. I'll do my
best to make sure it earns its cost while you're here."

For the first time, she noticed he was fully dressed for
dinner and looking just as polished as always. "Gladly.
But...I don't have a maid. There are a lot of buttons on
the back of that dress."

"I am more than capable of both dressing and undressing
you," Rhett laughed as he settled into the armchair.

Scarlett blushed and hurried into the dressing room, hoping
he hadn't noticed the smile playing at the corners of her

Chapter 4

Scarlett collapsed onto her couch and slipped off her
shoes. She couldn't remember the last time she was this
full after a meal. With a sigh she twisted on the couch,
trying to get comfortable. Since she had no maid, and
Rhett had remained behind for drinks with a few
businessmen, she was trapped in this dress and her stays.

Stilling, she stopped that line of thinking. She didn't want
Rhett helping undress her. It had been embarrassing enough
that he'd helped her into this dress. Though she had to
admit that dinner had been a very pleasant affair. He'd told
her to order whatever she liked and spoke to her about the
properties he would be looking at this month. No one had
ever spoken to her about such matters, and had it been anyone
but Rhett, she would have been delighted. But dinner with
Rhett wasn't supposed to be a pleasant matter. She wondered
at the polite gentleman she'd just spent two hours with. He
had been so nice when he'd woken her from her nightmare, too.
Perhaps this month wouldn't be so bad as she'd feared.

Just as she was reaching this conclusion, there was a soft
knock at the door between her sitting room and Rhett's.
Before she could respond, it swung open and Rhett entered
and settled on the couch beside her.

"Did you enjoy dinner?"

"Mmm-hmm. That was the best I've eaten in years."
Scarlett stretched her legs out in front of her and rested
her hands on her stomach in a very unladylike manner.

Rhett looked at her and laughed. "I'm glad to hear it.
You must be uncomfortable in all that after such a meal."

She groaned and nodded. Then she thought better and sat up
straight, perching on the very edge of the couch. "Well, I
am, but..." It seemed impossible that Rhett would fail to
notice the sudden nervousness, as she felt unable to hide

Without comment, Rhett reached out and drew her to him,
wrapping his arms securely around her. "Scarlett, this
nervousness doesn't become you. You have a son, surely the
relations between a man and a women are nothing new to

"No, but..." she hesitated, then collapsed against his
chest, preferring to avoid the matter all together. "It's
indecent to even be talking about this," she huffed.

"In case you've forgotten, you offered yourself to me for
three hundred dollars. I think we're past the point of
indecent discussions."

Reddening from hairline to chest, she refused to respond or
meet his gaze. Embarrassed as she was, it was startling to
realize that she felt safe sitting here with Rhett's arms
around her. He seemed content to wait for her to respond,
and she felt him kissing the top of her head. Reluctantly,
she looked up at him, trying to make sense of what she was
feeling. "I suppose we've discussed everything else under
the sun. But this isn't something that anyone discusses."

"You never have with anyone? Surely before you were
married your mother--"

"No. Well, yes, but not like this."

Pulling back from her, he tipped her chin up with his
fingertips, forcing her to look at him. For a long moment
he did nothing more than look at her face as she nibbled
her lip in apprehension.

After releasing her chin, he said, "So I suppose your
wedding night came as a shock then." There was only
gentleness in his voice, and it surprised her. She hadn't
expected this conversation at all, and certainly hadn't
expected him to be so polite about such a vulgar matter.

For a moment she could only nod and wring her hands as she
formulated a response. "When you came to Tara, you said
that this can be enjoyable, but that wasn't, not at all.
It hurt and there was blood and I cried. Then Charles went
and died and later I had Wade." At this moment, she felt
very much like crying and fleeing the room to avoid this

Rhett pulled her close once more, tilting her chin up so he
could kiss her. She was in no state of mind to resist, nor
would she have even if she could. Everything seemed to
melt away when Rhett kissed her. It felt like everything
good and right in the world was being focused on her when
his lips met hers, so intense that it warmed her to the
tips of her fingers. Slowly her fingers found their way to
the back of Rhett's neck, holding him to her while she
toyed with his hair.

When they broke the kiss, Scarlett tried to catch her
breath as Rhett's lips traveled across her cheek. As his
lips found her earlobe, she gasped and tried to pull away,
then melted into the sensation. She had never known there
was any enjoyment to be gained from earlobes.

"You never knew kissing could be so pleasurable, did you?"
He smiled, drawing back from her.

"No, I didn't." For just a second she nibbled her lip,
then leaned forward with a look of determination to capture
Rhett's earlobe.

"Ah, there, you see my dear, pleasure for pleasure. None
of this has to be anything like what you've known before."
He pulled back from her and studied her flushed face.

Scarlett was unsure of what to think. This rush of
tingling excitement was something new, and she liked it,
even liked sharing it with Rhett when he was being sweet
like this. While she had seen him be intimidating in the
past, he had never caused her harm, so she was tempted to
believe him. But Charles certainly hadn't been the type to
harm anyone, and those memories were far from pleasurable.

After breathing deeply a few moments and studying his face,
she mustered a faint smile. "You promise?"

"I give you my word as a scoundrel."

Both of them laughed at that, Scarlett still somewhat
nervously. Rhett stood, then offered her his hand. "Come,
let me help you out of that and into bed."

She took his hand and followed him into her bedroom,
stopping when he dropped her hand. It felt scandalously
intimate when his hand wrapped around her waist from
behind, caressing her through layers of clothing. The
other hand was warm against the flesh it revealed as the
tiny buttons along the back of the gown were unfastened.

Neither of them spoke until her gown was off and Rhett had
loosened her stays. "Get ready for bed now, Scarlett. I'm
going to go change out of these clothes."

Suddenly, she found herself standing alone in a silent
room. It was a few moments before she stirred to motion,
quickly shedding clothes and hairpins. In one of the
dressing room drawers, she found a cotton nightgown that
was soft as a cloud, and happily slipped into it before
climbing into the bed she couldn't quite think of as hers.

Chapter 5

The bed was softer than anything she could remember
sleeping on, certainly much more comfortable than the couch
she'd been occupying at Tara. Nestling deep into the
feather pillows and ticking, she pulled the covers over her
in a soft cocoon and was half-asleep when Rhett returned to
the room.

The covers were pulled up to her nose, and over their edge,
she watched him slowly move through the room, turning off
the lamps without a glance in her direction. After
extinguishing all the lamps but the one immediately beside
the bed, he shed his robe. She was scandalized to see that
he was wearing nothing more than a pair of drawers, and
quickly looked away. Even as a nurse during the war, she'd
not seen this much of a man revealed at once.

Without a word, he dimmed the lamp by the bed, leaving only
the faintest trace of illumination flickering through the
room. When he tugged at the covers, Scarlett eased her
grip on them so that he could climb into bed with her. She
remained still as he rolled towards her and wrapped his
arms around her, one arm snaking underneath her neck and
the pillows, the other falling gently across her waist to
stroke her back.

"Comfortable?" His voice was as gentle as the lamplight.

Feeling his firm, strong arms around her, she forced
herself to take a relaxing breath. "Yes." And she had to
admit this did feel comfortable. If only they could stay
this way, she could imagine this month in Atlanta being
reasonably pleasant.

Before she could think beyond that, his lips were on hers.
The world seemed to contract to this bed, this man and his
lips, and the feelings he evoked in her. She felt caught
up in a dizzying whirl of pleasure, and then his hands
began moving. They seemed to leave tingling skin in their
wake as they moved across her ribs and shoulders and back,
even through the fabric of her nightgown. Without
conscious thought, she shifted and moved just a bit closer
to him.

He never broke their kiss, but she could still feel him
smile as she moved towards him. The tightening of his arms
around her she did notice as he drew her closer still,
until she could feel the warmth of his body through the
thin cotton. It was then that she realized that his hands
had not just been caressing her skin, but also drawing up
her nightgown, as her legs were now bare against his.

Cautiously, she pulled her hands out from where they were
trapped between them and wrapped them around his neck. Her
fingers traced the broad span of his shoulders and splayed
to massage the muscles of his upper back as they continued
to kiss.

Rhett's hand had drifted down her back, past the hem of her
nightgown. Startled, Scarlett broke their kiss and
looked up at him as his strong hand caressed her butt. She
studied his face as his hand stilled, resting warm on her
flesh. There was something open about his gaze that had
never been there before, something she couldn't spare the
mental capacity to process at the moment. The simple
happiness there was enough to reassure her, almost more
than the fact that he'd stopped at her slightest

She leaned back into him, pressing kisses along his throat.
His low rumble of pleasure was audible to her only because
her ear was against his throat. Almost simultaneously, his
hand continued its caresses, drifting down to her thigh.

There was no resistance on her part as he drew her leg up
and over his. His hand continued as it had for several
moments, alternating between back and butt and thigh,
sending sparks racing along Scarlett's nerve endings. No
one else's touch had electrified her skin this way, not
even Ashley's. Ashley had been absent from her thoughts
all evening, and Scarlett did not regret it as she pushed
his memory away once more to concentrate on the sensation
of Rhett's skin against hers.

The whole of her concentration was sharply drawn back to
Rhett as his hand was suddenly between her legs. She was
too startled by the action to respond, and embarrassed as
his fingers trailed through moisture there. Her lips fell
away from kissing his neck to bury her forehead against
his shoulder. But through the embarrassment, she felt the
pleasure that his roving fingers were stirring, as the
other hand continued to caress the back of her head.

Unconsciously, her body relaxed against his, endorphins
shimmering along nerves and increasing her pleasure as the
intensity of his touch increased. When she felt one of his
long fingers begin to press into her, she prepared to
muffle a sob by biting his shoulder and was instead
relieved of a sigh of pleasure. Her eyes opened wide as
his finger moved slowly within her even as his other
fingers flickered delightfully against her flesh.

For the first time she shifted closer, trying to intensify
the sensation, knowing only that she wanted more. In doing
so, she pressed herself closer against him, and could feel
him hard against her stomach. Briefly she wondered how she
could ever reciprocate the sensations he was stirring in
her, obviously aroused as he was. This line of thinking
was abandoned as a second finger slipped inside her.

She gasped at the sensation, her breath coming in sharp
pants as she felt the tingling of her nerves coiling into
something much larger deep in her belly. Vaguely she was
aware of Rhett whispering into her ear, but she couldn't
understand what he was saying. She knew only that he was
causing this coiling within her, and she needed its

Release found her unprepared. Her arms wrapped tightly
around Rhett's neck as she cried out, unsure of what was
happening to her. Everything in her body seemed to
tremble, shivering like she would never be warm again, but
she felt warm, so warm, so happy, so relaxed. This felt
good in a way nothing else ever had.

Rhett's hands had stilled, gently entwined in her hair and
quiet within her. As she tried to catch her breath and
understand what had happened, she began to understand the
words he was whispering in her ear.

"Shh, shh, Scarlett. It's all right. This is how it's
supposed to be. Shh."

She relaxed back against him, perfectly content to be held
at this moment.

Chapter 6

When Rhett shifted to extinguish the bedside lamp,
Scarlett's eyes opened drowsily.

"Go on to sleep." Rhett's voice was barely a whisper
the darkness as his arms encircled her once more.

She settled back against him, feeling soft and sated.
she did so, she could feel him, still hard against her
hip. "But Rhett..." she trailed off and reached out
tease her fingers questioningly along the edge of his
drawers, tickling the soft skin just below his ribs.

Rhett chuckled and she could see the glint of his
teeth in
the faint moonlight creeping through the curtains. "I
hadn't been planning on satisfying myself this
evening, Scarlett. I only wanted you to learn that
this could be pleasurable tonight before progressing
any further with this. But if you're interested..."

Even without seeing his face, she could tell he was
grinning at her. She could feel her face flush and
was grateful he couldn't see her. With a slight
shrug, she settled back against him.

Then suddenly, he was rolling away from her and
getting out of bed.

"Rhett? Where are you going?"

In seconds, he was settled back into bed without
answering her. When his body brushed against hers
once more, her question had been answered. Heavens,
he was completely naked!

Still silent, he drew Scarlett back against his body.
One of his hands trailed down her arm and twined with
her fingers. "Here." There was just the faintest
note of apprehension in his voice, and she felt a mix
of curiosity and confusion as his hand traced hers
down his body.

Though she would have died before admitting it even to
Rhett, she was intrigued when with the tiniest pause
he pushed her hand into contact with his erect member.
She'd never even seen one before, and the soft sigh he
gave when her fingers tentatively touched him was like
nothing she'd heard from him before.

Ignoring the voice in the back of her mind saying that
this was not something proper ladies did, she allowed
his hand to guide hers slowly up his penis. The flesh
under her fingers was warm and oh so soft. Vaguely
she wondered if her work-roughened hands bothered his
skin, the way her father's riding-calloused hands had
always felt rough on the soft flesh of her upper arms.

"My hands..." she whispered worriedly.

"Feel wonderful," he groaned, tightening her grip on
him with his own hand.

Quietly she laid her head against his chest and
continued caressing the length of him, her own hand
wrapped securely inside his. When her fingers reached
the tip of him she wondered at the bit of moisture
waiting there. With her thumb she touched it and
trailed it down the underside of his penis, smiling at
the soft, contented moan that drew from him.

His hand tightened around hers once more, and forced
her to speed her movements. "Just like that." His
voice was rough, catching in his throat as he drew
deep breaths.

Then his hand fell away from hers, and she continued
her ministrations unguided, hoping that this was
correct. His breathing was beginning to sound the way
hers had felt when the pleasure was coiling so tightly
in her belly, and she assumed that he was at a similar
point. When the hand that had fallen away from hers
reached up to find her breast under her soft
nightgown, she tightened her hand around him in
surprise, both of them moaning softly.

The pleasure was not so intense as that wrought by his
earlier caresses, but it was arousing enough to waken
her nerves from their languor and set her body gently
tingling once more. Then his fingers tightened on her
breast, and she could feel his body tense beside her.
Warm, sticky liquid coated her fingers as they slowed
on his penis.

Her hand ceased its movements entirely as she felt his
body relax again, and she wondered what she was to do
now. Rhett kept his arm around her, holding her
close, so she had no choice but to remain next to him,
listening as his breathing returned to normal.

After a few moments, he rose from the bed, and she
could hear him at her washbasin. He returned with a
damp cloth and wiped off her hands and between her
thighs. The cool water was shocking against her skin,
and she was happy when he moved away again.

"That was wonderful, Scarlett," said Rhett as he
slipped back into bed with her, still nude. She
hesitated only briefly before settling back against
him. His arms wrapped around her once more, and he
tenderly kissed along her hairline. She reciprocated
with a few kisses across his chest, unsure of what he
expected her to say.

"I may not be here when you wake," he continued, voice
rumbling deep his chest under her head. "I don't want
to draw too much attention to our being here together,
so I'll probably wake early and go downstairs for
breakfast. Do you want me to have something sent up
for you?"

"That would be very kind of you, Rhett." She quickly
drifted off to sleep as his fingers traced figures on
her back.


rhett, gwtw, fic, something in return, scarlett

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