Captain's Log 6 or Stupid Server Issues!

Jul 10, 2014 21:34

Texas is stupid hot in the summer time, I would much rather it be chilly..layers are usually much more benign than the lack of clothing that some people opt for. ;) On my regular 10 minute walk to work I get plenty sweaty and have to change clothes once I get there. Yesterday the store's AC was out when I arrived and it was a very unpleasant start to my shift. Owe two more dollars to the swear jar. ;)

Glad that LJ and are available today, had serious fic withdrawals for two days. o_O

Sorted a box of clothes today, and also realized I need a better system to organize my yarn addiction. LOL Will be taking another walk before bed and hopefully finishing the "London Under" book so I can start "Nickel and Dimed", which I've been wanting to read for ages and borrowed from a coworker a few days ago.

Hope everyone is well. :)

captains log

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