Jan 03, 2005 21:24
OMG Do i ever have a crap load to say today.....first of all Happy New Year Everyone....Yay 2005! I had a pretty good new year and enjoyed it even though I was sick as a dog.
CU Business
Hey all my CU Co-workers......I love you all, I'm thrilled to be back into the mix and the gossip and all that jazz. But I am quite tired of the shit. I want everyone to know that I Like everyone to an extent (speaking of Tina here of course). Cindi - you certainly know how to speak your mind and I don't think your rude at all no matter what people say...thanks for the good conversations, after all we've been there the longest of the tellers and we know what's up on certian things---thanks also for agreeing with me the stupidity of schedules but the necessity of them since we need to have less argueing and more peace and quiet. Meg - love the movie quips, keep them coming, you're very good at keepign your mouth shut on certian issues and I appreciate your honesty in telling me to shut up sometimes too. Kristie - WE LOVE YOU, no matter what you think, when we spoke of you today it was only to illustrate our point that we need schedules so one person doesn't monopolize the options to help that are out there, Cindi and I have seen that in the past and then that person gets all the credit in the review cause a manager sees that person and only that person helping out a lot, when relaly we all wanted to help and learn new things but never got the oppotunity. Please don't feel slighted, we're just trying to fix things for the better so everyone has an equal shot, which to be honest was not the way it was when I first started 4 years ago...the person who had been there the longest got to do everything, while we sat back and fumed about it....that's nto the way I want it to be now though......but I still want a chance to learn and help out too. OK ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT, WE"RE HAVING A MEETING SOON AT WORK I GUESS AND I AM DEFINITELY GOING TO SPEAK MY MIND.
Other Business
Rich is good, our relationship is mending well.
that's all the business for today....now I am goign to go have ice cream.