Oct 05, 2005 23:34

It has literally been forever and a day since I last updated. Where do I start?

Friday night Brandon and I hung out and watched Harry Potter together which was a blast and a half. He had never seen one and now proudly calls himself a fan, potentially a potter head?

The concert last weekend was amazing? We had some mishaps that led to us missing Panic! At The Disco and half of Boys Night Out. Not much you can do about that. Brandon and I separated from everyone at the conert. We hung back near the soundboard where he wasn't getting kicked in the head by crowd surfers and I could still see the entire stage. It was so much fun! Kim was there with JJ and another friend of hers but we didn't get to see them until after the show was over. FOB was so good as usual. Felt bad that we missed the first part of the show b/c that was who Brandon was really wanting to see, but that's ok. He handled it well. We still had a good time. Got up the next morning and drove back. We only got lost once the entire trip! Not too shabby at all! We quickly figured out which way was the right way.

Ummm, none of my freshmen showed up for the RLC meeting. Bummer. Hopefully there will be more there next time. I e-mailed them and asked them to at least send me an e-mail to let me know if they won't be there. I'm glad they are making the transition so well they don't feel the need to ask too much or anything. Oh well.

Speakeasy re-launched. My first article should be up soon. I reviewed the Panic! At The Disco CD which is good, so you all should buy it. Or just borrow it from me. Bottom line, check it out because you won't be disappointed. I am working on this Speakeasy promotion for this weekend like it's my job. Kind of scary stuff. I think it will go well. Hopefully .... ahhhhh. I still need help taking down the Follett's window. I am planning on take care of that when the girls come to work at the gate for a half an hour. I have another article going up soon for Cats. We have some great ideas going for promotions as well. Continue checking the site out:

Classes are requireing so much work. I have so much to do this weekend it isn't even funny. The problem is I feel like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. Gross me out. I have to get going on this info gathering project or I am screwed. Please pray fro my sanity. The only thing I am excited about is this project for j415 where I get to share something personal about myself. I am taking my camera to all the stuff I am going to be doing this weekend. Should be pretty good. I will post the link again when it is finished so you all can check it out and leave me some constructive criticism.

I'm really worried because Jan Slater found out today I am thinking of changing sequence. I just don't know anymore. I feel so lost when it comes to what I want to do with my life. It's the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. Now I am leaning towards copy editing for newspapers. Shari is going to talk to my brother about letting me come shadow him for one day over Christmas break. That would be amazing. I hope that works out. I think that would give me a good idea as to if that is something I am interested in. Ad Club totally reinforced where I am in my thinking however, when the woman was describing the business. Not my place. Jan Slater has done some wonderful things for me, and I appreciate all of it and I prob. should have come and talked to her sooner, but I wanted to make sure I was really going in that direction first. I have to call her tomorrow anyway and see about coming in to talk to her. I hope she isn't too angry with me. That woudl not be good.

Had an interesting stiuation with Liz this morning. I feel like there is a lot of tension all of a sudden, even though I wish there wasn't. I got a little impatient with her too. I felt like I was a little on the defensive however. I'm really not that worried about that at this point of time. Kind of on the least of my worries list.

Sending some things out in the mail tomorrow. Exciting. I am also turning in the banner and making photo copies of the fliers I am yet to make for the promotion on Saturday. I will prob. end up making those some time tomorrow afternoon. I am contemplating going to bed now and just getting up early tomorrow to do work. Could be a good plan. We'll see. Maybe I can finish advertising. Or I could make the flier now and do advertising tomorrow.... none of you care about that, what am I doing?

I saw Cats tonight at MemAud with Hana and Emily! Yay! I lvoe those girls. And the best part ... we got in for FREE! So exciting. We had a spectacular time.

That's all for the time being. Hopefully my heart doesn't wear out before this weekend.

Christa's concert on Friday. Prob. making the Ad Club poster that evening and just chilling out.

Speakeasy promotion on Saturday 11am to 3pm. CCC Fall Fest on Saturday evening. I am excited. It's going to be a kick back and finally relax kind of weekend. I think I earned that ...

That's all for now folks. I will try to be better about this...
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