Brace yourselves for this, guys...

Jun 14, 2018 16:20

 Last night I went to my early birthday party (my birthday's not until next week but I'll be at home for it) and it was a Benedict Cumberbatch-themed party. Ergo, nearly everyone (save myself and two of my friends) came dressed as Cumberbatch characters. I did bring cookies though, so I was a Cumbercookie as part of a Cumberbatch. ^_^

Yeah, you read that right. We had an otter, two pengwings, a Smaug, a Doctor Strange, a Martin Crieff (my personal favourite) a Sherlock or two, a Khan... it was amazing. I screamed so loud. I was really overwhelmed by it all; the food, the fun, the fact that these guys went to so much effort... it meant so much. We had a Benedict Cumberbatch quiz (I won, 19/25!) and played a game of pin the heart on the Benedict - they'd drawn a big him and a little me and we were blindfolded for it. I also had a birthday cake; one that my friend Nicole decorated with Cumby's face and we played lots of 90s music, as well as several Benedict clips on YouTube.

Oh, guys. It was amazing. I can't believe that this is my life now, because it seems so unreal. This was my first official birthday party since my Mum died and it meant to much that people did all this for me. It just... it feels nice to be appreciated and to feel liked.

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