Sep 24, 2004 13:46
first of all, i'd like to acknowledge, that, to those whom i went to mybar with during frosh week and witnessed my very funny funniess of being drunk, that i DO NOT REMEMBER drinking Liquid Concaine that night.. NOR brandishing a 20 and demanding that i buy myself and my mates some shots. dammit!!! I DONT REMEMBER!!!!
okay.. soo....
last friday: to michelles, where i sucked ass at mariokart, discovered i hate black rum, tried to bit phil's finger off, didn't get drunk, but still stayed the night.
saturday: shopping not for : myself, ended getting home at 5pm, went to watch "garden state" with tanya as her date and as the sixth wheel of the group, got back home around 3am
sunday: house-ness... massive shopping at loblaws, massive cleaning of house. 'nuff said.
monday-wed: all in between, too many classes, too many readings, too many distractions. toilet flooded bathroom floor and carpet after yas tried plunging it and RIGHT AFTER bernita CLEANED it that morning. was not very pleased. dropped renaissance in favour of modern africa by correspondence so now have only one class on fridays. sweet.
thursday: by pure chance, and by just... weirdness, after a delicious dinner of nachos (where there was just SO MUCH BEEF, not enough tomatoes and fizzy salsa sauce), katherine developed the marvelous idea of popping into the lake for a much needed dunk. so off we went katherine tanya yas and i, with towels in bags and goldschlager and coke in hand. sat on the rocks and admired the clear starry moony night and the pretty reflective water in knowledge that there are sewage pipes near by which we discarded as in issue as we knocked back a half a bottle of goldschlager and swatted mosquitos off our legs. stripped and waded into water. water is fucking cold. me and katherine decide to hell with it and just went in. dragged yas and tanya (who wore 2 pairs of hospital pants so she could have one pair dry) in. at some point of the slipping sliding shrieking squealing and giggling i decided to start a splash fight. chaos ensues. pleasantly frozen by smelly lake water, we swim to heart's content for a good 20mins upon which we decide that it was time to go. just as we waded out and just as i claimed my capabilities in walking in the dark i stumble and fall on a big ass stone, sucessfully putting the normality of my leg on AWOL for a good few weeks. yas and i decide that we want to walk in towels. so we did. we decided to go see ole' Vic only to find froshies cheerfully waiting for the pocaho bus. am rather amused and disgusted. hung around like drunks til someone opened the door. hung around like idiots til someone used the elevator. went nostalgic when arrived on 5A. in all our excitment i used the bathroom and we all washed our feet in the shower leaving the floor drenched and the hallway pocked with our footprints. hung around upper vic as we lamented on the lameness of this week's golden words and i examined the state of my bumpy leg and the wheezing of my lungs. long cold walk back to tanyas and katherines where we hung around some more til it was deemed sleepy time rather it was that we were hungry. headed back home where we found both doors locked because ken had been stupid and decided to lock the doors though brenden had left it open for us on purpose so we could get in so we had to go round back and yell at ken through his window to open the door. had pizza pops and chatted with tim in the kitchen comparing tans, alcohol and whether or not a whiskey sour is a girly drink cuz tim really likes it but he wants to be macho, lake water stenches and revealing my utter complete memory loss concerning mybar. finally head up stairs to shower, only to talk some more and do blah blah blah til i finally showered only to find seaweed stuck to my chest was disgusted shower was wonderful oh so wonderful but i think i used up most of the hot water. still had to put on my sheets and clean my room as i had just done laundry that day. hair took too long to dry. collapsed into sleep around 3ish.
today is friday. time to get trashed. ;)
anyone have any idea who/what i sound like when you read this? haha guess.. don't give me lame answers.