Jul 14, 2004 17:30
I'm so overheated....goddamnit it's hot...in 2 ways..lol.I couldn't find a feeling thingy that said ovverheated...so hot'll do.Might see a movie today...Notebook,although I am distracted by I love the 90's.91's my year.It's bringing back all my childhood memories...but did you notice that most of that show involves sex or something?It sucks..talk bout barney and the power ranger's more than some chick cutting off her husband's dick...I mean COME ONE!!Anyways,my cousin left today,I'll miss him,I guess...but I think I annoyed him a bit,which was the point (I guess).Well,adios.
P.S.The black power ranger=black yellow=asian green=irish,lol pink=pink in the face because she's white and the others?..notice a connection?