Feb 17, 2006 17:55
It's been forever since I've updated this thing, and I'm sorry. It's been crazy. And now I need to get you all up to speed.
All right... Where to begin? After my last entry, I did end up going to the White House and seeing my parents. I gave the news to my dad, and you can all imagine how that went. He's happy for me but at the same time he's really worried and doesn't like the idea of his little girl going to the other side of the globe.
I soon found out where MSF is sending me. Before I say where it is, I need to mention that this entry is friends locked for a reason. The Secret Service wants to keep my location under raps, so all the public needs to know is that I'm in Asia. I can tell all of you that I am more specifically going to Afghanistan. The Secret Service is obviously thrilled. I swear I am so sick of the agents and all the fussing that's going on. Part of me almost wishes I'd waited til after dad left office, so maybe this wouldn't be such a big deal, but I'm set on doing this. There's no turning back now.
I've been busy getting my visa, filling out forms, making arrangements. I went to my family physician for a physical and vaccinations, I went to the dentist for cleaning, I bought an extra pair of glasses and contacts. I bought new luggage and more clothes that will be appropriate in the heat. I got my hair cut (and I've gone back to being a blonde), and put the rest of my stuff in storage. I have packed and repacked and unpacked and repacked and... It's hard to know exactly what to bring!
I have seen Rochelle, and Emma, and Mercedes. All of them are excited for me but have a hard time believing I'm actually doing this. And I talked to Patrick for the first time since we broke up. I called him to tell him that I was going to volunteer with MSF so he wouldn't hear about it another way. Of everyone in my life, I think he is the one who was the least surprised by the news. Maybe he knows me better than I do. It was nice to talk to him. The conversation, although a bit distant, was comfortable. Despite our very messy breakup, maybe we will be able to remain friends?
I'm still busy with preparations. I'm currently taking a break from deciding which books I should bring with me. I'm told having adequate down time when working in situations like that is crucial. Unfortunately there's only so much stuff I can bring with me.
I'm told I will have internet access there, but not much. It's not as if I update much now anyway. But I will try to keep in touch. And I would love some emails. You all can reach me at ellie.bartlet@gmail.com.
I leave on Wednesday. I have never been so scared and so excited in my life.