Title: "Soundtrack to a Lost Film"
Pairing: Tablo/Hyukjae
Author: Linh/ElmersGlue128
Part: three (out of four)
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: PG
Words: 1,124
Summary: This is the soundtrack to Tablo and Hyukjae's story, the happiness and the heartbreak. Press play and listen to Tablo share it with you. There is no girlfriend in this.
Comments: Based
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You don’t look at me with sparkling eyes filled with overwhelming admiration like you think I can single-handedly save the world from self-destruction and chaos. Maybe you realized I looked ridiculous as Superman, tights and I just don’t jive.
Who the fuck am I anyways? Me? I just don’t want to disappoint you.
LOVED this part, because in the hypothetical BloHyuk relationship (lol), I would wonder at which point would Hyuk be like this, be comfortable with Tablo and not look up to him like he would in the beginning? And Tablo's I just don't want to disappoint you, god that aches. And and: you call my name just the way I like it, like you’ll never leave. ;___; so perfect, you have these lines that just take hold of your heart and give it a little tug.
Immaturely, I almost want to wake you up just to show you this until I remember I’m supposed to protect you.
This seems very true to his character, this childishness that reflects Hyuk's own, and remembering he's the supposedly mature one... ♥ absolute love. I'll have to go reread the other parts now, I'd almost forgotten about this fic :P
Hmmm, what I've always kind of wondered about how naive and "dumb" Hyuk is compared to how he's often perceived as... (well, one thing's for sure, he and Teukie sure seem very interested in porn, hahaha)
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