Title: "Soundtrack to a Lost Film"
Pairing: Tablo/Hyukjae
Author: Linh/ElmersGlue128
Part: three (out of four)
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: PG
Words: 1,124
Summary: This is the soundtrack to Tablo and Hyukjae's story, the happiness and the heartbreak. Press play and listen to Tablo share it with you. There is no girlfriend in this.
Comments: Based
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I already read the previous parts of this fic like..twice already??
just..stunning. :)
I love how poetic you are and how you seem to put every bit of yourself in your fics :) (I like me some pretty deep fics once-in-a-while, but I can seriously get used to your style of writing and love it.)
I'm memming this. (btw, you made me tear up when I read number 8..thank you, I needed that---to cry.) :)
AND, you've been commenting on my other fics too *loves you*
I'm Linh, btw, I think it's about time I actually said Hi! :D My favorite boy in the whole wide world is Hae...I'm guessing yours might just be Hyuk?
I'm Tsehqui :D *wavesbackatyou* Hyukkie's my number 2, actually. haha ^^ but HaeHyuk/EunHae's my #1 OTP X3 and BloHyuk gradually climbing to their spot in my heart XD haha (dunno if I should be happy or not O_O) :))
true true :))
my #1 is Heechul, followed my Hyukjae, then by Yesung ^^
now if it's my top 5 OTP, then that's another thing. haha :D
OTPs! We must talk about this :D
hmmm, mine are:
1. KyuHae
2. BloHyuk
3. HaeKutz
4. YeWook
5. KangTeuk/HaeHyuk/HanChul/Hae with basically anyone^^
(I cheated a little with #5 I think...:D)
my OTP's~
1) HaeHyuk
2) KyuMin
3) BloHyuk
4) HanChul
5) anything with bottom!Hyuk <3 hahaha~ XD
<(^ ^)>
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