So I managed to get the scanner working after two hours of trying loads of different methods suggested by the printer company.
Only uploaded the pictures of me and Sam but might post the others later.
This day wasn't actually a very good one. I'd wanted to jump Sam on the green so V came down with us to put the jumps up and take photos but this weirdo who is obsessed with the horses (mainly Ted) in a really creepy way (like...stroking them just before their hind legs and under a bit...:S) and turns up and then doesn't leave us alone (he's very polite and is very nice we just think he's a bit off in the head to be honest).
So this guy was following us around and then decided to 'help' or rather 'make everything that little bit more difficult'.
We got to the green and V put a jump up straight away so Sam and I hadn't warmed up properly before we were jumping and Sam needs a bit of time to get into a working frame of mind when I school him. So, Sam was all over the place over the jumps. I kept trying though and he did try and we managed a few but...I don't plan on jumping him without warming up ever again and I know it was stupid of me to do it in the first place. So we're approaching the jump and V and the weird guy are carrying poles over to act as wings on the jump. V sees us coming and lowers the stuff she's carrying and stops moving but weird guy is holding the pole vertically and moving it around (not intentionally he just didn't get it) so Sam goes "OMGWTF!" and skids to a halt. So I take him back and get him over the jump but am by now upset with myself for not warming him up and generally frustrated at how poorly I was performing (and at the time I was angry with Sam as well even though I realised minutes later that it was solely my fault.) So I asked V to take the jump down because it's just not happening today and next time could she let us warm up before putting a jump up. So she did and I schooled Sam for a while. I got him moving forward at walk, trot and canter and then got him to collect in all three as well. Did a lot of circles to try and get him more supple and by the end he was moving really nicely and I wanted to try jumping him again to try and end on a good note. But, because the weird guy would not leave her alone V had gone back onto the lane to try and get him to go away by ignoring him and just brushing Ted. So I went to find her and he was still there but left soon after. V apologised for leaving but I understood why and I'd cried a bit when we'd finished up on the green so then I had to explain why I was upset and she told me that even though things went wrong today that because I didn't take it out on Sam that it shows how much I love him and because I was crying just because I felt angry with him showed that as well which really meant a lot to me. Sam and I have jumped since and I've made sure to warm up first. He's usually a star once he gets the idea. I really need to build his confidence and find some heavier poles because he doesn't respect the super light plastic poles we use at the moment. We used to have a bamboo one which I made by wrapping elastic bands around a bunch of bamboo to make a pole and he jumped that fantastically because it was heavy but that got broken by someone.
Woah that was long haha.
So aaaanyway, here are the photos.
The only action shots V got were of the approaches...which is probably a good thing haha.
You can just see weird guy coming into shot on the right.
This is the highest we've ever jumped I believe...
I'm hoping to take lessons with my instructor on him in the summer, possibly taking him to a place she teaches at with amazing schooling facilities so that we can really knuckle down and get some kind of technique. I also want to free school him over some jumps to get an idea of his scope and so that he can develop some confidence without me on him.
Then after the ride I decided to goof around while Sam munched to lighten the mood
Being posh
The snow pictures were a re-enactment of this, I didn't think I'd end up getting these developed
Riding backwards haha, one time V actually led him with me on backwards and trotted. It's easier than sitting like I was in the 'posh' pic.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, my pony, has a comfy butt :D
Sooo yeah. A fail story and some crappy photos unfortunately (for entertainment's sake) and luckily (for my sake) not actually capturing any fail.