That sound you just my heart exploding! THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER! (Exclamation points and caps be damned.) I am a very happy person right now, which given that it's a TV show reveals just how high I am on the pathetic meter.
So my show. I love my show. Very much. The last few nights, I've gone to bed imagining ways Luke and Lorelai would get back together (note the above pathetic comment), and last night I came up with Luke appearing at her door and, without a word, just kissing her. See? I am channeling ASP. And even though she didn't write this episode, the second the show went to black, I squealed, "Thank you, Amy."
I loved that we saw slices of life from everyone tonight, especially Luke at the diner. But also Lane and Zach. Loved that storyline. I figured that once Lane and Zach started seeing each other, we would just assume that they had had sex, but having the conversation that they did tonight was perfect and something I could *completely* relate to. I like knowing who my fictional virgins are on TV.
Emily and Richard still don't have a clue about their daughter and how, you know, she has to live her own life. We'll see how Lorelai reacts when/if she decides to go back to Friday night dinners. I did like the warmth between Lorelai and Richard. I've always had a soft spot for them, like when she called him 'Daddy' after her graduation from business school.
They used different shots for Emily coming in and saying, "Hello, Luke." Would it be too much to ask that on the DVD as an extra feature they just show every Luke and Lorelai kiss from every angle they filmed? Of course, I would settle for cast/creative commentary. I mean, c'mon, ASP! We know you're witty. Spread it around.
The ending. The lovely ending. "The Man Who Got Away" will now forever be linked with Luke and Lorelai. Perfection. I can't wait to see where this relationship goes. The next thing I will predict is that Lorelai will ask Luke to move in, and that by the season finale, he'll be proposing, but first he'll ask Rory how she feels and they'll go ring shopping together. Cheesy yes, but I want to see it because I'm a big lover of sap. Bring on the fanfic!
Two thoughts on the promo: a) not enough L/L and b) Robert? Are you kidding me, Rory? The ass from the poker game? No.