Feb 20, 2005 22:49
i totally forgot about livejournal, ive been so busy!!
Coolege is going wicked right now, we've just had a week off to do some work which im so behind on but ill catch up!
Went out wednesday night to level, was areally good night!! it was only me and vicki that went but we know like everyone in there, i wasnt even going to drink that much because i had to meet mike the next day but i got so smashed!! Thirsday morning mother went to ireland, and i felt totally rough! i met mike in town and we went to Nailsea back to his house (man his house is sooo nice!!) he was so nice to me and i think i like him, but being one of my ex's best mate's its kinda hard..i think im going to take it as it comes. Friday i spoke to flames(we go way back) but he goes to uni now but he gives me butterflies still whenever and i see him every 2 weeks! but he was liek ellen you confuse me 'im here if you want me' i was like aww omg i do but i just dont know whats going on right now. anyway me vicki and zoe, we went to a few bars and i meet up with tad, we have such a great relationship but its weird...i just love kissing him! then we went to a drum and bass night at the arc bar, wasnt to bad. Tad went to the academy as all his mates were there and i said id met him at 3 but he wasnt there but another ex was i wa sliek this is so weird but yeh we hooked up again! and got a taxi home together. hes a nice guy but just a friend now. Saturday had massive hangover!! and had work got home at like 10.45 pm and bill rang me asking where i was cus he was in town. mike txt me saying he wants to be with me and put 'luv you' on the ed of the txt....arghh what to do clingy already!?!? and weve only been on one date!! omg im so confused!!.....