Blue Skies In Between - A Bill/Karen fanmix

Feb 04, 2012 21:47

I've been working on this fanmix, my first one, for ages. Like two years. And then I was procrastinating with the cover art and the posting, but here we are at the end. I think the songs in this one clearly reflect my odd and eclectic taste in music. But enough with the introduction. Let's get to the mix itself.

Title: Blue Skies In Between
Fandom: 24
Ship: Bill/Karen
Spoilers: Up to S7
Songs: 11 tracks

Drumming Song
Florence and the Machine
Setting: 5x19-24

There's a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound


As I move my feet towards your body
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
And gets louder and louder
It fills my head up and gets louder and louder

Secret Smile
Setting: end S5

Nobody knows it but you've got a secret smile
And you use it only for me


When you are flying around and around the world
And I'm lying a lonely
I know there's something sacred and free reserved
And received by me only

Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop
Landon Pigg
Setting: in between S5-6

I think that possibly
Maybe I've fallen for you
Yes there's a chance
That I've fallen quite hard over you


I never knew just what it was
About the same coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew-

Green Eyes
Joe Purdy
Setting: S6

Johnny says don't bring her down
'Cause when the pedestal crumbles and falls to the ground
You will wish that you left her the way that you found her
Johnny says don't bring her down

Green eyes are better than blue
I ain't trying to be mean, I'm just telling the truth
It's enough to make me run away with you, darling
Green eyes are better than blue

I Feel It All
Setting: 6x19

Oh I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one to hold the gun

Hear Me Out
Frou Frou
Setting: after 6x19

I join the queue on your answer phone
And all I am is holding breath
Just pick up, I know you're there
Can't you hear I'm not myself

Well go ahead and lie to me
You could say anything
Small talk will be just fine
Your voice is everything

We owe it to love and it all depends on you
So listen up
The sun hasn't set
I refuse to believe that it's only me feeling

Just hear me out
I'm not over you yet
It's love on the line
Can you handle it

So Sorry
Setting: 6x24

I'm sorry
Two words I always think
After you've gone
When I realize I was acting all wrong

Fallen Angel
Jersey Boys
Setting: post S6

You're home again, I'm glad you kept the key
Been waiting here, it seems a million years to me
But hush now I know you're all cried out
It's all right inside, I've had no doubt
About your love for me
I can see behind the tears
I'm certain of the way we feel
And given time the hurt will heal

Imogen Heap
Setting: post S6

I'm dying to know
What's in your head
I'm dying to know
How we all got in this
I'm dying to know
To help make some sense of it all
I'm dying to know
Tell me is it my fault?

Come Away With Me
Norah Jones
Setting: in between S6-7 (moving to Vermont)

Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us
With their lies


And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me

Viorar Vel Til Loftarasa
Sigur Ros
Setting: post 7x13

Ég læt mig líða áfram
Í gegnum hausinn, hálfa leið
Sé sjálfan mig syngja sálm
Við sömdum saman - tjú

Við áttum okkur draum, áttum allt...
Við riðum heimsendi
Við riðum leitandi
Klifruðum skýjakljúfa
Sem siðar sprungu upp
Friðurinn úti
Ég lek jafnvægi
Dett niður
Ég læt mig líða áfram
og einhvern veginn
Ég kem alltaf niður aftur á sama stað
Alger þögn
Engin orð
Það besta sem Guð hefur skapað
Er nýr dagur


Good Weather for Airstrikes

I slide forward
through my head, half way
I see myself sing a psalm
The anthem
that we wrote together

We had a dream, we had everything...
We rode to the end of the world
We rode searching
Climbed skyscrapers
Which later exploded
The peace was gone
Balance leaks out
I fall down
I slide forward
and somehow
I always return to the same place
Total silence
No word
(But) the best thing God has created
is a new day

Download link: HERE

fanmix, bill buchanan, karen hayes, 24, bill/karen

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