Downton Abbey - Trailerpalooza

Sep 04, 2011 23:20

I go out one night and when I get online again what do I find? Downton Abbey Season 2 trailers!!! I've been squeeing while watching them again and again since lunch today. This gloomy day brightened up considerably much. So, since I haven't done some speculations and proper fangirling in a while, here's a post completely dedicated to the trailers.

First things first. Branson in a footman outfit. Doing something he shouldn't have done (maybe polishing the silver?). And Carson, Mr. Aplomb himself, pushing him down the corridor like that? I guess it's not because silver or pottery. And either it's something very comical or something very serious. So what might have Branson done? Apparently, he's doing double shifts as a footman so maybe he does or says something not proper. And we all know how much Carson loves proper and the right order of things.

Or maybe could it be because Branson seems still very much entangled with Lady Sybil?

And why is Carson so sad? Is it sad the right word? Defeated maybe? I'd gladly give him a hug.

Now, our fave housekeeper. From all the spoilers I've been reading, Mrs. Hughes will have her hands full when one of the girls gets into trouble.
My best guess - just like the rest of the fandom - is that Ethel will get pregnant thanks to her lively activities with one of the soldiers. Apparently, Mrs. -Hughes will catch them in action (I certainly wouldn't wanna be in Ethel's silly shoes).

This other pic shows a very softer demenour from Elsie. The place? Maybe her parlour. Either she's talking to Carson or maybe with Ethel when the girl discovers about her pragnancy. And this leads me to one of my many theories. Lately I'm inclined to think that maybe even Elsie found herself in the same situation when younger. In one of my universes, she has a secret son. In another, the baby died a couple of days after his birth. Which would make a fantastically tragic backstory.

Thomas...he comes back home apparently, but I bet he's changed quite a bit. I actually can't wait to see the effects of war on him. As much as a softer O'Brien (she does look softer from the promo pics). I'm sure they'll still be the usual acid dynamic duo, but maybe they'll mellow a bit.

Maggie totally rocks this shot. Her expression is haunting me here. But why is she so sad?

And the other pic...she sniffing while Mrs. Hughes and someone else, maybe Isobel are in the background. So what would lead the indomitable Violet to sniff in public?

Is someone dying?

Edith has got a new love interest apparently. I've heard rumors about her and Mayor Bryant. Or a resurrected Patrick, even though I don't like this much too soap operatic latter option. First of all, I'm glad to see she's helping just as much as Sybil. Can't wait to see her on a car driving. But, back to the soldier, who's he? Is he an aristocrat like her or a simple commoner? Will it last? And what about Sir Anthony?

Certainly, with Edith with someone else and Anthony free, maybe we'll get Isobel/Anthony for real (I highly suggest lavenderteawit 's fics to sparkle your imagination).
But she seems to be at the hospital here. Sure, it might be about work. And she's got quite a sad expression herself. But what if she gets with Dr. Clarkson instead?

New guy collapsing on Lord Grantham's shoulder under the shocked expression of Carson and Hughsie. Not a good first impression. This must be Lang, the new valet. Even though, I might be terribly wrong, he looks like the man in bed with Ethel sans 'stache. Mmm...

Finally, someone's breaking a cup. At first I thought it was Carson collapsing. But now it's pretty clear it's a woman the one who breaks it. Isobel? Edith? Sybil?

But, this one could really be a reaction to Carson collapsing. Why would they all stand up so hastily with those shocked expressions otherwise? Another thing struck me though. They're all wearing black. Hopefully they're just being elegant and not mourning someone.
As for the rest, I'm pretty intrigued by Anna/Bates/Vera. Poor Anna. She'll get her hearft broken, I'm afraid. I just hope Vera will get out of the way soon though. Anna and Bates need to get married, go live in a cottage in the village and have kids with blonde hair and dimples. And that's it. My two cents or more about it. P.S. Sorry about the crappy quality of the picspam, but time is a tyrant. As much as my exams.

downton abbey, season2

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