Heh heh. Someday I'll send you a copy of the original Japanese movie, "Ringu." It's very different -- very different style/approach to horror. A kind of slow burn. You go through it thinking, this is so not scary. I am so not scared. And then you see the last half hour and are suddenly AHHHHH THIS IS SO FUCKING SCARY!
Partially because of the kickass technique they worked out. I'd love to give a short presentation entitled "Why Overuse of CGI Sucks" and show the two endings of the movies as examples. One uses million-dollar special FX and makes you go, hmmm, nice use of computer graphics to make her look fuzzy. The other uses nothing but an ancient theatre technique and a new-er film technique and makes you go OMFG SHE'S INHUUUUUUUUUUUUMAN!
Ahhh the Darkness!
January 6 2005, 01:07:29 UTC
Man that movie was LAME!! LoL At least we got a good laugh out of it! BTW - I got a new cell phone (same number too!) so we'll be able to talk again! :) I'm SO glad we got to hang out!! Love, Coles
I have an LJ nowbloodlust_18January 6 2005, 21:10:13 UTC
Hey Stace - I decided to switch over to LJ! Just thought I'd let you know! BTW - do you understand all the customizing stuff? I want to change the colors to my own theme, but I'm not completely sure of how to do it.
Comments 4
Partially because of the kickass technique they worked out. I'd love to give a short presentation entitled "Why Overuse of CGI Sucks" and show the two endings of the movies as examples. One uses million-dollar special FX and makes you go, hmmm, nice use of computer graphics to make her look fuzzy. The other uses nothing but an ancient theatre technique and a new-er film technique and makes you go OMFG SHE'S INHUUUUUUUUUUUUMAN!
Eheh. Weird mood tonight.
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