YAY, I have finally finished my first attampt for theiconquest. Icons for the awesome movie "Super 8". The theme was adventure and I think this movie screamed that theme to me.
I started the way I usually do and then moved further and further away to try different things. I like that the iocns are more diverse than they have been in a while.
Now let's just hope that I have set up this post and classes correctly.
Hero: 1-5, 8, 17, 19 (8)
Wizard: 12-14, 20 (Total: 4)
Bard: 15,16 (Total: 2)
Rogue: 6-7, 9-11, 18 (Total: 6)
Please credit me when using.
I used my own stuff aside from a texture by blimey_icons and absolucion. The screencaps were taken from grande-caps. the brushes were most possibly taken from brushking.eu