(no subject)

Aug 10, 2010 11:02

So yesterday I was all "action" and in a sudden bout of wanting to post more and use more icons, I renewd my paid account. Only then I didn't do anything with it. No icons uploaded, nothing done. Maybe today ;)

I've got 5 wallpaper work in progresses in various stages (two are for White Collar and the incaption one has totally misfired). I'm not going to show you all except one. Because I cannot keep it to myself anymore. It's a piece I've been planning to do for legoline for ages. Back then she was still heavily into Supernatural. So it's SPN centric.

I will not tell you the actual story of it yet, just show you the first stage which is pretty fandomless, but I'm still so damn happy and proud of the result. Also see a picture of most of the images I used for this composition.

See larger version (the original will be even bigger).

The next stage willbe very tough and tricky. I haven't figured out yet how to do it. But leT's hope for the best ;)

So... if I made icons or art in fandoms.. certain fandoms.. what would you like and do you have images you really love? I might use them to create something...

art, tv:supernatural, rl

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