Dance, baby!!

Jul 30, 2010 16:19

I have made myself a vow last weekend. I would create something graphic every day that is NOT work related. And I would try out new stuff. So addition to some True Blood icons (seriosuly!!) I made this artwork for So you think you can dance. Because I love dance. Yeah.and I know Dance Day is tomorrow and not today...

It's Jeanie Mason from season 4. I really liked her a lot.


I'm still loving this season of So you think you can dance. Even though most of my favorites except Robert are gone. Maybe I will post my favorite routines.
i'm so glad Jose is finally gone. I thought his last 3 shows were painful. Except for Billy. I will miss him. His last routine was amazing. As was Roberts. I like the serious stuff far better from him oddly enough.

Kent really needs to stop explaining himself when he makes mistakes. Just nod and get better like the others do. Even though heis improving immsensely and not making weird faces in every routine.

wallpaper, art

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