Almost 30, duh!

Jul 19, 2010 20:15

Gosh, I'm so officially almost 30. How did that happen? I cannot be almost 30. Nor do I look or at almost 30. In any case I had a nice weekend with friends. Went to the Stammtisch Saturday night and had a good time chatting with everyone there. Some of the ladies stayed to wish my a midnight happy birthday and untitledno8 made me this awesome birthday cake. It's with strawberry and creme with tiramisu.

Went to Woytons on sunday to relax and chat some more. I spent a very relaxed and quiet birthday the way I wanted it and even managed to work on my mcshep match.

Thank you to everyone who sent me a message and wished my a happy birthday. That meant a lot.
Also thank you to realproof, animotus and berlinghoff79 especially.

Today was the first day back to work after two weeks absense. I want to go back and have a vacation seriously. I've had a stomach ache the entire day and a tension headache. I made one and a half layouts and had a curry sausage. I first thought my stomach ache came from hunger. It feels like hunger pain. But I have no idea. We will see. Tomorrow I have my quarterly evaluation meeting. Happy times. Not.

I had intended to go to Ikea today to get some work tables and shelves. But I just couldn't be arsed, so I watched True Blood, Leverage and So you think you can Dance instead.

Post five or more songs starting with the letter you receive. I was given J by melloniel.

work, music, rl

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