Oh, the vision

Mar 09, 2009 23:41

I had every intention of writing an entry tonight, but as always way to lazy. However and I don't say this lightly. I've read fanfic and it sucked me in. frogspace recced Sheppard's Law, by cesperanza and that story sucked me in. Go read :D

And in any case, David Hewlett is twittering again and appearantly he and Joe met for lunch today ;)

Meeting Flanigan for lunch...seeing Joe always makes me wish I had more hair...in the RIGHT places...have I just made lunch weird?!

Full of food and questionable caffeine fueled movie ideas...Joe should open a school of cool. and I'd be that schools janitorial staff!

Btw, I'm twittering more regularly again. Add if you like :)

david hewlett, joe flanigan, twitter, rec

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