I guess it's not a secret that i loved this episode a whole lot. John was extremely hot with the sunglasses and the 3d stubble not the mention the shirt, the pants, the jacket, the shoes and his freaking red car. I loved the mood and the color of the whole episode. The way it was shot, I loved the music even though it was a ripp off.
I found Todd in the isolation chanber seriously creep and cool. I loved how they added the Wraith sotryline as a part of a murder investigation. Cool idea. Anmd I loved how John was even more fucked up and had more shit happen to him. There were some wonderful scenes with that Doctor in which he totally shoots down her trying to flirt with him adn it's so telling. Everything.
I loved all about this incarnation.
I have some gripes though. I just don't get why in any AU Rodney is so different that we barely recognize him (aside from bitching at Zelenka). I don't get that totally weird McKeller eyecontact in the hallway. Wasn't really nessesary. and it's kind of sad that this AU John gpot more backstory in one episode than in 5 seasons combined.
Generally..omg so awesome.. I love this. I love John and i love this episode. It's like a fanfic AU only with life images!!!!