Indiana Jones, fannish things

May 21, 2008 16:24

Anyways, this post: in the making since last week o_O. And it wouldn'T appear earlier. Gah. I hat it when lj does that.

There are so many things I've been meaning to post about so I figure why not just start before I get lazy again. I've finally send my artword graphic to my writer, though I migth still make changes. It's like something is still missing. also, I totally missed sign-ups for lantis_lims. I need to do that now. Also, well, the new round starts now so join up if you haven't already, it's the most awesome lims com there is.

fs_lims also ended prematurely because I forgot to post before I went to GateCamp.

Indiana Jones Night
For all my bad planning skillz, Indiana Jones vid night was a great success. cerri44, dynamicrange, frogspace, half_lit_world, icequeen3101, legoline, mordio, shironezumi, sophie0, stabbim and subtle__sarcasm came to my place last friday to watch.

We had a barbecue in our garden (no snakes though...) and watched the first two movies on a beamer. I seem to have forgotten a lot about the second part. It's my least favorite, because of the whole vodoo plot. It's less archeology, which is what I mostly love about Indie. But still so much fun.

I did not sleep at all from friday to saturday however. Took the time to catch up on some TV in a dead state. BSG, Lost and Moonlight were all so very awesome. I cannot believe this was Moonlight's final episode. How can they be so stupid and cancel that show??? I hope Joel Silver manages to find another network because I surely don't want it to end.
Also sophie0 sold me some of her SGA actor related movies and I watched Thoughtcrimes again. Brenden Dean is such an awesomely weird character and it makes me sad, that his show never came to be even though we wouldn't have gotten the SGA we got now if it had.
There was some unexpected Ollian (more of a mention, but...) in monday Verbotene Liebe episode. I think it's time to rewatch some clips.

Party, Musik
On Saturday I went to Renes get together and got horribly drunk and had this really disgusting cocktail. My train, which was supposed to leave at 3:33 left 3 minutes early and of course I wasn't it. At the platform I was fuming. Happily for me I was not alone because icequeen3101 and cerri44 had just returend from a gig and were also stranded!
Tonight I will see "Explosions in the Sky" in cologne with sophie0, half_lit_world and dynamicrange. Musik YAY!!!! Also planning to buy tickets for Deathcab for Cutie and Kaizers Orchestra will play for free at Olgas!!!! omgz!

ollian, joe flanigan, photography, tv, musik, movie:indiana jones, stargate atantis

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