State of me

Apr 28, 2008 09:47

It's 9:47 am and I'm coding a webpage asleep. I think I completely lost the ability to be asleep on time to be fit the next morning, but I just couldn't switch off my radio!

I'm very excited because tomorrow night we are going to see the Boxer Rebelliion live!!! We that is sophie0, half-lit-world, realproof, dynamicrange and icequeen3101. You can listen to some tracks here. they are really so good!!!

Also finished watching Rome with Sophie. It's so sad that it's over. Such a great show! The pain!!! frogspace lent me lots of DVDs on friday. It was West Wing night. <3 In any case, we finished the GateCamp shirts, I went shopping with nichtdiemama and let my hair be chopped off.

I've watched this Ollian music vid many times this weekend and really, I love the song and the cuts. It's very unspectacular and I wouldn#t call it good vidding but there is somethig about it....

image Click to view

ps: welcome new friends!!!! See when I started writing this lame post!!


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