Ronon watched blades of glory. rofl.
I loved tha one scene between Rodney and John. How Rodney offers to listen and John almost blows him off but sort of doesn't.
How much do you wanna bet that Teyla, Rodney and Ronon all decided that one of hem had to go with John. And how John cannot even complain and Ronon is already through he gate!!! bwaaah!!
Civillian contractor, rofl. Does this ep have even more subtext than usual?
Ronon and the food!!!
Ronon and Jeans and a tacktical vest.
John in the suit ;)
I don't like Dave. He is icky.
The replicator vs. replicator fight is brilliant.
Bates, there you are. Why are you not in the credits.
Dr Lee. Beamed right out of the hotel room :)
I really thought they'd use a volcano. But really. The Earth orbit was way cooler.
Also, putting Ava in an artificial reality is also damn smart.
lots of subtext!!!!
Anyways, loved the ep, except there could have been more backstory and less shooting in the middle.