Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 26, 2006 00:02

I returned from the netherlands!!! Time there was rather fast-paced, full of family drama, food. didn't get that many presents... But one rather cool and surprising one... my mum got Robert Rauschenberg Combines... omg yes :) It's such a pretty and inspiring book!!!

Also, I made my Dad a "Muse" fan :) I feel proud.

Anyways, I hope you all have/had, a very nice Christmas :)
Since I didn't have anytime to write cards, or do anything really christmassy for any of you, give me a topic - TV, music, movies... and just maybe I will make art :)

I already made one :) Of course it is Stargate Atlantis!!

One : Two : Three : Four : Five

images from,

art: atlantis, atlantis collages, fanart, muse, art

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