Yum Yum

Nov 14, 2006 13:43

I had this fpr breakfast. And lunch. And right now *yum*. I'm celebrating my computer parts arriving this evening. I'm celebrating the possibility of tons of fanart and icons. I just hope I can make some time before DECEMBER!!! OMG, all my time is planned away.

Anyways, all materials are my own, except the muffin. ;)

I've been trying to revamp my webpages and am having a really hard time. With everything! With the sorting, with the structure, with the content. What to put on it. How to make it accessible. I'd love to have an interchangeable stylesheet like www.csszengarden.com. But that is basically as far as I am. I want updating to be simple, too. So I thought maybe just one structure for all sections (fanart, icons...).

Then I had this gallery idea. I'd love to integrate searchable tags as well, but I'm not sure how to do this for a website. There is also the question of a merge of my fannish pages and my professional portfolio. Anyways, ideas would be very very welcome. What would you like..and what would you like to see.

If you are bored: http://www.20q.net/
If you want some feedback: graphic_concrit

Also, what happened to fatuorum??? :(

webdesign, icons, wallpaper, art, exposed

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