Veronica Mars: Not Pictured

May 11, 2006 16:38

First of all, I would have been much much much more shocked, if someone hadn't thoerized this on my lj before. And that said, I don#t remember who it was, but you are a genious.

I'm not sure how I feel overall. I enjoyed this episode so much while watching, but there are some things now that I think about it, that just don't sit so well with me.

First of all, that dream sequence. Either Veronica is herself in the dream sequence and surprised at what is happening there, or she really is someone else in that dream sequence and realizes the consequence of her decisions and Lilly's death later. But I don't think she should first be suprised about her parents being together and kissing and then tell Wallace that Highschool was a blast. I mean. Logan called her guilible. So that makes little sense to me. Especially since Veronica would be smart wether she is part of the 09ner clique or not.

Now to the Cassidy part. I loved the idea, even though I was very psyched when the season started that it might be a corporate thing. So actually Goodmen would have been cooler to me. Just way too obvious which I do understand. I liked it ebing beaver, the evidence was there. It made sense. It was well backed up. I just don't like the fact that he supposedly always *acted* around everyone. That makes little sense. I mean. He was this tortured woobie character. But he was never menacing. What I'm missing is the motivation. What IS the motivation? Are we supposed to believe he is just bad?

I loved Weevil being arrested at graduation. It was predictable, yes. But it was so the Lamb we know and love. He wouln't do it any other way.

I loved the fact that people cheerd for V at graduation. and I loved Vinnie and Mister C. So good. I loved the pony bit.

I didn't believe Keith was dead for one sec.

The elevator scene was creepy....

There is lots of stuff that remains unexplained. Like Why did V get back together with Duncan in the beginning.

OMG LoVe. He comes to her rescue. And so good. Except the end. He sorta rushes away after Keith shows up. And V goes..I love you soo much. Which I think must have been a kick in the butt for Logan. He told her he loved her last summer and she never returned the sentiment. So where is the progression? the talk? The getting back together part. Why did they not give us that?

At least Keith is more positive towards Logan right now.

And the big question. WTF is up with that ending????

veronica mars

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