So, I was treating myself to some Defiant One and ended up making way too many screencaps of the pretties. Which in turn, made me do icons. Of a scene I haven't seen iconed that much, at least I don't think so...
Also made icons for one of my most well-loved movies.
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There's so much going on in the Defiant One set. That body language! You just know Rodney is giggling like a girl while staring at John's ass in 11. I'll be using that one I can tell ya.
I wish I could make happy icons!! happyhappy. Like chocolate or butterflies.
and rofl..of course.. I just figured it is a cap with sky that not many people used.. at least not that I remember... it is usually more the beginning of that work. And I forgot how wonderful this episode was... I mean,.., I love it...but I sorta slipped why.
From Lost Boys, right? The color rocks major..butt!!!!!
And I just have the worst memory I didn't remember the finer points.
And this icon does rock.
and Charlie got this new green Rodney one that is to die for as well. I feel small.
*kisses back*
And yes.. stimulating as fuck. I hoep she posts it soon so I can steal it!!
Thank you both for your kind words *blushes* I don't quite know what to say. *tackles and smooches you both*
Feel free to grab the Rodney icon hon. I'm working on the rest of my sg_100 batch but I'm not sure when I'll get around to posting them.
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