Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Nov 19, 2005 18:45

We went to see the preview midnight viewing of GoF last Tuesday night. We being subaia, bioc, kia_ora, shruuf, ponnshofee and her sister.

Unfortunately, we had to see it in German dubbing....

Which wasn't even half bad. There are a lot worse-dubbed movies.

That said.... I was really excitewd by the movie and still got more out of it then I expected.

I'm kinda glad I didn't rered GoF before seeing it. It is my least read HP book simply because when my parents moved away, my mum took all her HP copies with her and the German versions ended with my Grandmother.

So even though I did realize a lot was missing (dobby, winky, luna, the skeeter storyline...) I was immensly satisfied.

I loved the humor, I loved the Harry-shunning (I had forgotten all about it) and I loved the twins, but most of all I loved that Dan Radcliff ACTED. Cos he was kinda bad in PoA. Especially in the crying scene in the snow. I was cringing. This time, it was believable. And he didn't look bad with the shaggy mane as I expected. Emma deteriorated a bit though. She was a bit over the top.

I loved Voldie. Ecept I thought the make-up could have been more menacing. Isn't he supposed to have red glowing eyes? Or is that just my imagination. I also very much liked Cedric and the other contestants. I stll don't feel like a coherent review. Snap rocked. Especially when he smacked Harry and Ron.

That was so not coherent. Anyways... I loved it. I also loved moody and both Crouches and the teachers and the little Dragons were so cute. Ginny was so grown up. I think the movie was a wonderful mix of humor and drama.

Did anyone else feel in every image that this was a gioid scene to icon. All the time? I hope there are caps soon. I loved the camera angle in the beginnign when they walked up that hill.

BTW, I wish Emma would look less like a girl and more book-wormish. Or better yet, not as pretty. I think it definately took away from the ball scene.

Ferret Draco!! I cannot believe that was in the movie. But I wish Tom Felton had more to do.

Overall: soooo much loooove!!!!!!!!!!!

The best part of it all was that our gang was almost complete :) Need to repeat that soon and I really need to see it in english.

movies: harry potter

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