LOST German Premiere

Apr 08, 2005 11:37

Last monday, LOST aired for the first time in German TV. kia_ora and I went over to shruuf's place to watch it, just to know how bad the snychronization would be.

You know..I wanted to make this post tuesday, but as with so many things, I just forgot....

The thing about low expectations is, it's hard to be lower. Knowing the original voices, I guess it's hard to hear it differently.

The voices were decent for the most part, there are just three characters that were so much off the radar, it was hard to swallow. Cos really, Sayid is, to me, one of the kindest, gentlest beings and it manifests not only in his voice, but in the way he structures phrases. His voice is soft and sexy and considerate. When he speaks you get the idea that he respects people. For him, in the German version, to be the only person who talks to everyone using the German word du. Which is a personalization of the word you. Or rather, Sie is the distancing that everyone else used, well to me, it speaks of pure to understanding and diregard to the character. Furthermore, Sayid does not come from a German turkish Ghetto, he does not need to see, ey alta, or ey man, or whatever he said to poor Hurley. That's an equivalent of Hey, Dude, Well it's actually more disrespectful. That's just sad, don't you think.

The second charactor that was way off, was Locke. Man, the second he opened his mouth i jumped back, cos there was no way to expect that. WTF. It's not a bad voice per se, it#s just extremely different.

Then please jog my memory, who had the same snychronazation voice as Dawson on Dawson's Creek? Was it really Jack???

Sun and Jin had the original voices and I wonder how they will do it,once Sun starts speaking english. *boggles*

And an interesting translation was Bear Village vs Bärendisco (Beardisco) lol.

Then there was the whole advertising that was just so so very bad. First of all, they showed a special with interviews and stuff before airing that pilot and it was so full of spoilers it's not even funny. And on the website, they gave away spoilers that were episodes away.
Every character has a bio on the page. They gave away that boone and shannon are actually not really brother and sister. an appearantly, Kate is "on the run". Well, she isn't technically, she's already been caught!!!

For a series that, to me, just lives so much on the element of surprise and suspense that is just so wrong.

Oh, btw... I need a sound clip or clip of Josh Holloway saying "We love to entertain you". Cos gosh..that was hot.


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