it's been a long long time

Feb 19, 2007 22:13

soo monday..

havent written in a long time. the show is over.. and im completely depressed. i cannot even begin to explain the amount of hard work, dedication, blood, sweat, tears, heart, soul, love, and everything else we, as a cast, put into this production. Mr. K said that Guys and Dolls is in the top 6 shows he's done at Loomis.. and he's done 24. Coming from him, it's the ultimate compliment.

Sarah was my first lead at Loomis... and i got it as a sophomore.. 10th grade! That's unheard of at Loomis. Moreover, I started off SO SO SOOOOOO badly (i was completely awful.. but thank GOD k/dubilo/chrz saw something in me) and the end product was glorious. Personally, I am most impressed with mine and Hunter's performance together. We created a chemistry that seemed so real that people thought we were together in real life. We rose to the occasion and we did it. We were so right on. I couldn't be more proud.. and again, words just don't work here. I really cannot even begin to explain the happiness and feeling of success about our performance.

I grew tremendously as an actress during this show. The stage is my home, and I've found that through this show. I was elated to be on stage every night, showing people "hey look- this is what i do, isn't it cool?" And now, I'm absolutely THRILLED to look back and think wow- i actually accomplished that. And as a cast, wow... we were damn good. professional in all regards and aspects. we knew our cues, beats, steps, harmonies, etc. like it was nobody's business.

this show is sorely missed and it's only been 2 days. Jasmine and I cried for hours after it was over.. it was just so life changing (and i say that in the most sincere way). To feel what we're feeling, you've had to been a part of it all from beginning to end. From the first fight to the last hugs.. it was such a transformation.. seriously.

The seniors- Gus, Hunter, Austin, Zoe, Ted, Peter, Sara, Moony- wow, you will be missed incredible amounts.

I really have nothing bad to say.. it was that amazing. ask anyone who went. it's a shame it's over, really. it was a bittersweet ending that's for sure. to end on a high note with all the ambition and energy still brewing is a tough, tough thing.

on another note- school is weird.
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