Title: Reunion
Summary: Ever wonder why Spike, Buffy, Angel, Willow, Faith, Illyria, etc. split up across the country/world and seem to have taken on completely new identities? What does this mean for the fate of the world when there's a rumored appocolypse in 2012 and no one to stop it? Since Spike is the only one with any of his personality or memory left, it's up to him to track everyone down and figure out what's going on.
Universe(s): Buffyverse, Dollhouse, Bones, HIMYM, Ringer, Torchwood, & more (eventually)!
Characters: Spike (Captain John Hart), Buffy (Bridget Kelly), Faith (Echo), Angel (Seeley Booth), Willow (Lily Aldrin), Illyria (Whiskey), Dr. Temperance Brennen, Andrew Martin, Marshall Eriksen, Adelle DeWitt, Topher Brink, Paul Ballard, & more!
Pairing(s): Spike/Buffy for the most part with some Bridget(Buffy)/Andrew, Booth(Angel)/Brennen, and Lily(Willow)/Marshall in the background.
Rating: PG(-13?)
Number of Chapters: 2
Last Updated: 10/02/2011
Disclaimer: All characters and universes belong to their respective creators. This is just for fun. :)
Spoilers: All of BtVS, Ats, and Dollhouse. Bones through season 6. HIMYM through season 6. Torchwood through season 2. Ringer through episode 3 (potentially more, but you should watch it so it won't spoil anything).
Author’s Note: This will be a major crossover fic, but it takes place in the Buffyverse, so the only knowledge necessary to understanding it is what happened in BtVS and Ats while they were on TV. I'll make lots of references to things in the comics and on the mentioned TV shows, but nothing should be considered part of this story unless it's explicitly stated in the text. Also, I'm going to have to modify a few pieces of canon for most of the shows, including BtVS and Ats to make the story work, but I'll make those changes known as they're important either in Author's Notes or the story text.
List of Chapters:
Chapter 1Chapter 2