Language Barriers

Sep 14, 2008 15:52

Title: Language Barriers
Rating: I think it will be eventually PG-13 for suggestive ness, in part two.  This part is probably just PG: for violent fan action.
Pairings: KiMi (aka KiWi), JayHae(Jaychou Donghae)
Summery:  Kibum comes to visit Donghae in China.  Events ensue.
A/N:This is a REALLY late birthday post fortamryneradani  .   But I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it.

Kibum stepped off the plane and into the gate.  It was his first time ever visiting China.  He was lucky enough to get this break from his acting career.  Normally his schedule would be jam packed with new dramas to record and new movies that would be released in the fall.  He guessed that the producers and everyone had wanted to take these next two weeks off to watch the Olympics as much as he wanted a vacation.  He hadn’t been able to see his best friend Donghae for about three months.   Well, maybe the track and field tickets that Donghae had been able to get them might have been another contributing factor, but in reality he did miss Donghae, and sometimes just talking to your best friend though instant messenger is not enough.

As he walked though the Beijing airport, he noticed a billboard with a familiar face on it.  “Hrmm,” he thought, “So Rain is advertised here too.”  The billboard had a half body picture of Rain leaning against a motorcycle with only a revealing leather vest on.  For some reason, Kibum got the urge to call his manager and ask to have his face put on a billboard.  His thoughts were halted when he heard a familiar gleeful voice call out to him.

“Kibum!  Kibum!”

He looked up to see Donghae waving at him a bit too excitedly beyond the rope barrier.  He chuckled to himself and headed over.   The force of Donghae running up to hug him was almost enough to knock him over.

“Whoa! Hold on there, Hae.   I don’t have enough energy to keep both you and me up.”

“I’ve missed you so much! And you’re speaking Korean!  I’ve missed Korean too!  Hankyung tells us we can only speak to each other in Chinese, so we can practice and please our Chinese fans more.  But I’m so bad at it!  The only thing I can do is ask for watermelon and ice cream.  Luckily Zhoumi is good at Korean and helps me, but it’s still not enough!  And once I-“

Kibum listened to Donghae’s drabble.  He always enjoyed not being the one who had to talk; he did enough of that on his dramas.  And Donghae would always provide enough conversation for the both of them.   He turned back to Donghae when he heard his name.

“Kibum, what do you say to getting bubble tea?”

“Sounds great, how do we get there? Bus?” Kibum asked.

“No, silly!  Zhoumi is driving us.  Can you imagine what would happen if we took public transportation?  You don’t know what it is like here.  Five billion more people means a much larger fan base.  It’s dangerous.  Besides Zhoumi’s car is cool!  You’ll like it!”

“Ok then.”

They grabbed Kibum’s bag from the luggage carousel and headed out.   As they approached the road a sliver Porsche pulled up.  “There he is!” exclaimed Donghae.  Kibum watched as the driver stepped out of the car.  He had seen him before but only on TV.  Tall and muscular, Zhoumi turned around, and Kibum got a good look at his face.  His nose was the most prominent feature, but it held sort of a distinguished look.  But the eyes are what caught Kibum’s attention.  They looked straight at him.  On the surface, they seemed playful.  Beneath that, he saw a sultry personality that he never saw on TV.

“Zhoumi!  This is Kibum.” Donghae shouted.

“Yes,” Zhoumi responded, “I’ve seen him before.”

“Haha, oh yea, TV.  I forgot” Donghae turned to Kibum.

Their undisturbed staring at each other was interrupted by a sound off in the distance.  The three boys noticed it growing louder and louder.  They turned to the end of the airport and saw a man running around the corner.  The sound seemed to be following him.   Kibum was looking at the two older boys faces which seemed to be acquiring a look of horror.

“Oh no,” breathed Zhoumi.

Kibum was confused.   “I don’t get it.  What’s going on?”

“Donghae, Kibum, get in the car,” said Zhoumi urgently.  Donghae scrambled to get in.  Kibum just stood there, still confused about what was going on.  Then he saw it.  About 15 seconds after the running man had rounded the corner, a group of screaming girls had rounded it too.  It was a fan stampede.  He had heard about these and had seen some crowds of fans come pretty close to it in Korea, but he had never actually seen one.  Were they there for him?  He didn’t think he was popular at all in China.  They must have come here for the two members of Super Junior M.  But then, who was the man.

“Kibum!  Car!  Now!”  Shouted Zhoumi.  Kibum hurled himself into the car after Donghae.  Kibum turned to Donghae.

“Hyung, who is the man?”

Zhoumi answered him.  “It’s Jay Chou.  I’m going in to help him.”

“Wow!” exclaimed Donghae, “We’re going to meet a Chinese celebrity!”

Kibum’s look of exasperation came back to his face.  “Hyung, you ARE a Chinese celebrity.”

Zhoumi turned to them, “Hold on you guys.”

They sped off in the direction of Jay Chou.  With precise driving skills and reflexes, Zhoumi pulled right up to him.  “Jay!” he called in Chinese.  “It’s Super Junior M.  We’re here to help!”  Jay Chou rushed into the car, and Zhoumi took off.

“Thanks,” said Jay.  “I don’t know what I was going to do.  My manager said that it would be safe to arrive at the airport, and that no one knew I had gone out of the country.  But they were waiting for me!  How does word always get out?”

“Dude,” replied Zhoumi, “When you’re as big as you are, you can never be too safe.  We used to be ok in public places.  Now we always have to have escorts.”

They kept talking to each other in the front seat.   “What are they saying to each other?” Kibum asked Donghae.

“How should I know!?  I speak Korean!”

“Well you must understand some words.”

“Yes.  Jay Chou said ‘thank you’ and then I think they said something about watermelon.”

Kibum just stared.

“It doesn’t matter though,” exclaimed Donghae, “We’re in the presence of Jay Chou!”

At the sound of his name, Jay turned around.  “Hey, little fella.  You must be Donghae.  I’ve seen you on TV.  You’re dancing is pretty good.”

Donghae thought, Wow! Jay Chou is talking to me!  And it is excited even though I can’t understand him!

Jay turned to Zhoumi.  “What’s the matter with him?  Scared by the fan stampede?”

“No,” replied Zhoumi.  “He can’t speak Chinese.  Everything he says on television is rehearsed, and even that is a stretch for him sometimes.  Poor guy.”

Donghae thought again, I have to say something in Chinese to him otherwise I’ll look stupid!  Okay, here it goes!  Donghae began to stumble over the unfamiliar vowel sounds.  “Jay Chou, I is think you is very good cool.”

Zhoumi tried to muffle his laughter while Jay remained speechless.  He then smiled and said, “Xie xie, Dong Hai.” Donghae smiled and looked away.  Only Kibum saw the blush in his cheeks.

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